New Member
Ran my XP for the first time since last July yesterday. My granddaughter flipped it last July and I'm assuming righted it in the wrong direction. I never could get it to run again other than popping a few times so I gave up. I had sprayed fogging oil in the cylinders back then to help stop corrosion if it had water in it. When I finally got it started yesterday it blew all sorts of smoke out, but I expected that. I ran it about 10 seconds dry and shut it off. hooked up the water supply and ran it for about 5-7 minutes with no real problems. Shut off the water, then killed the engine after the water quit coming out the back. I can get it restarted but it takes a lot of playing with the primer, pulling the plugs, spraying brake cleaner on them to remove oil from the electrodes then turn it over again. Last year I replaced the primer with one from Riva because the old one went bad. Ever since then I haven't been able to get fuel up to the carbs without "motoring" the engine first to fill the lines. Any ideas about this? Could this somehow be related to the hard restarting? Where is the filter on the fuel selector valve?