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97 Seadoo GSX Problem

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New Member
hi everyone, i just bought a 97 seadoo gsx and then battery was dead, so i charged it up over night, next morning woke up went to take it off charge and found out i put the connections the wrong way round!!! i put live to earth and earth to live, so its all messed up atm could anyone tell me what i should do? i went to offshore preformance and they said it needs a new electric box because i short circuited it, does anyone no where i could get one? or anything else i could check so solve the problem? thanks everyone, hope someone can help me.:)
hi everyone, i just bought a 97 seadoo gsx and then battery was dead, so i charged it up over night, next morning woke up went to take it off charge and found out i put the connections the wrong way round!!! i put live to earth and earth to live, so its all messed up atm could anyone tell me what i should do? i went to offshore preformance and they said it needs a new electric box because i short circuited it, does anyone no where i could get one? or anything else i could check so solve the problem? thanks everyone, hope someone can help me.:)

Don't know how they could tell anything was short-circuited unless they tested box--myself, I would buy a new battery, charge it up (correctly), connect it and see what happens. Don't see how anything would have been shorted--
i had bought a new battery and connected it properly and still, when i put the key in, no beeps or anything an the dails..... what else could i do to solve the problem? and when i went to charge the old battery that i messed up, it sparks when i put live to live or earth to earth...ehat else could be the problem then.....?
Well it is going to spark when you touch them to the battery. You must have short circuited something so I would take it to the dealer if you don't know what your doing.
ive checked all fuses and they havnt blown..... so what else could it be and forgot to mention that i charged the battery with leads on.
If a battery is completely dead and you charge it with reverse polarity, the battery will work, but the terminals will be reversed (+ is negative, - is positive)
Hi, yes i no ive checked that, but does anyone think that ive completely messed up all the electrics and all curcuits??? Thanks
I dont know why you would charge your battery when it was still in the seadoo because there is the Electronic Module under the storage bin the the front. If you dont take the battery off you can really screw it up that is more than likely your problem. When you say that you checked all the fuses did you check the inline fuse for the Starter Relay it will be a 15 amp fuse in side the rear electrical box. Or you could check your starter take it off and see if the copper wires on your brushes are still together. if not then it will be the Electronic Module which is i think $600 or more.
Dumb mistake I made too

After I hooked it up wrong i checked the fuses and I think one was blown, but I also blew the rectifier. Make sure to check the fuse by the battery too
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