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97 Hx Fresh Carbs More Problems

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Hey Snipe…

Don’t take this the wrong way… and I’m not telling you your biz… but the jetting, pop off, seat, and needle settings are different between the 720 engines for different years, and different hulls. The 97 HX should have a 36-60 pop-off per the factory service manual. (1.2 seat, 130 main, 75 pilot, 1 ½ idle, 0 high)

Not taken the wrong way at all.........it seems some of my info is a bit old. Which is kinda funny, since the ski is as old as my resource. I use the Mikuni Carb manual and it states the carbs pop-off by engine horsepower and needle valve........but, I also read in the shop manual for this model that it is that high.

But, here in itself lies a problem, a contradiction. His symptoms sound just like his pop off is too high because it won't idle. If he can squirt gas in through his primer or run WOT without stall, the only other possibility I could think of would be the pilot jet but he said he just rebuilt it.

This is also the problem I have with so many hyper links that use information that is "dreamed up" instead of specific from BRP or Mikuni......
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