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97 GTS no power

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New Member
I have a 97 GTS seadoo, i took it to lake over the 4th of july weekend, ran fine on fri and half the day sat, was out in the middle of the lake then it starting bogging down on high idle and wouldn't even run right, ended up idleing it back to the beach ran just fine that way, took the seat off was full with water up to the bottom of the battery, checked the plugs they look normal alittle dark but good, tried cleaning the plugs then put on the water sun died twice in reverse trying to get it off the trailer, and still bogged down, runs great off the water, got it home used the water flush kit and runs good that way aswell, but bogs down in the lake, any suggestions would be great. i have noticed that has been feeling with more water then normal.
check again, with it on the hose, and have your seat off. See if its leak'n from exhaust bung. Also, wouldn't be bad, to go thru the carbs, and replace the grey fuel line. Also, inspect the carbon ring, under the grey shield, for chips/cracks.
If your hull is filling up with water, you may want to check the mounting bolts under the exhaust, as well as the four exhaust bolts where the big exhaust pipe connects right at the high point. I had the same problem and it kept happening. We would take it out and it would run fine for a while and then you can feel the ski bogging down and you cant get the RPM's up and then all you can do is idle back in. You have to dry out the inside of the ski and clean up the electronics. It happened to me last year and my starter got full of water. I had to take the starter back off and totally dis-assemble it. use some bule loc-tite on all the mounting bolts and exhaust bolts to keep them in place. Make sure to give it a chance to set up. I have been using my ski all year this year and havent had any trouble. (yet, knock knock knock)

Good luck and keep posting your progress.
I had just fixed that issue i had bolts that broke off had to tap them out and put all new ones and put locktit on them, was working fine after that, i did check to see if the tubes were throwing water when that happened everything looked ok, checked all bolts to make sure they were tight everything is good, I will keep posting with progress, not sure if it's something with carb or the jet pump causing the problem, i talked to tech at seadoo he told me could be jetpump not working correctly. not really sure how to check that.
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