96 XP weird electrical problem

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ok guys, i have one for ya.. was riding all day yesterday and today, no problems, till we beached and noticed my rule auto bilge pump was pumping water out.. ok, no biggie, takes on water once in a while when submarining, after about 10 mins, we could still hear the bilge pumping.. no water, just the whining, turns out malfunctioned and killed the battery, so... we jumped it using another fully charged ski battery, started fine, ran for about 10 secs, shut it down and pushed it back into the water to start and ride again to charge the battery, went to jump it and EVERYTHING was dead.. no beeping, no power, no lights, NOTHING.. so.. i swapped the good battery for the dead one and checked all the connections and fuses everywhere, main harness, ground cable secure, everything is where and how its suppose to be.. same thing.. NOTHING... what the h*** happened

im talking a total loss of power, as if the battery is not even there

the battery we used to jump is a size 14 battery, same size and amps as the one that died... no engines, no alternators, just one battery jumping another with cables, and were 100% sure we didnt cross the neg and pos leads

any ideas? suggestions? a match and lighter fluid maybe? :D
Battery jump?

When you jumped the battery, was the battery still in the other PWC and was it running?
I hope you got a blown fuse and not a burnt MPEM..........I'd check all the fuses in your electrical box. Holler back, let us know what you found. And curious as to your jumping procedure. Battery to Battery, other ski shut down, or running?
SeaDoo strongly recommends no jumping or boosting the battery. If you boosted the battery with another PWC (not running), you are probably safe provided no reversed polarity issues. I would double check the 5 amp fuse again. This would be the one to go if you over volted the system. Also, check and make sure your small guage black wire connected to the battery negative is not broken at the terminal or wasn't replaced when the battery was replaced. This is the ground harness for the rear electrical box.
BTW, why did you put an electrical bilge pump on your 96 XP? If the bilge system is working and you don't have any leaks, you shouldn't need it.
hey guys..
thanks for your quick replies..

there was no other ski., just a new battery that i have a habit of carrying with us just for these instances, just tote a battery and a set of motorcycle mini jumper cables, sorta like a booster pack often used to jump start cars? similiar just with a smaller battery, smaller amperage...ide say 12 amps max, its the same battery the ski is sold with oem

the bilge pump was installed cause i kinda have a habit of forgetting the drain plug, when the pump activates i remember it, jump off and screw it back in, i also try to do what i used to do with my stand up, fountains for instance.. 1/2 throttle, jump over onto the hood looking back, after a few seconds, chop the throttle, when it dips under, peg it wide open and watch the show, 20-40 feet high water cannon, do it close enought to shore and the bumper touches down so you dont move forward anymore, soak everyone on shore.. hehe, but draws alot of water intrusion REALLY quick.. i sometimes sufficate the engine of air and it bogs out, so the pump activates and pulls the water out so i can feel safe and restart the engine so i dont worry about sucking in water thru the intake..

anyway, back to topic

i checked the fuses, all of them, and they " appear " good, but looks can be decieving, ill change them tomorrow to be safe, but im curious, even if the MPEM blew, wouldnt i have power somewhere? anywhere?

the smaller ground wire was connected and is reconnected when i swapped batteries.. im stumped, but ill change the fuses to be sure and post an update,

anyone else have any other points i should look at? its a small system overall, but its the simplest things that are most often overlooked..

thanks guys

O.K.....I've poured over the manual looking at your electrical system. I'm still stumped on what the problem is, but I've got a couple things.

Your mpem also has what's called a delay timer. This means that if you leave your lanyard key on the post for more than 33 seconds, it will send a signal to shut down power so you don't run your battery down. The manual says to check this, put your cap on and see if your fuel gage comes on and reflects your fuel level. Then wait for about 33 seconds. It should shut your power off to the ski. What I'm thinking is the delay timer went bad in your mpem. It is most likely that you will probably be looking at replacing. Could have been coincedence that it just went out at the time you jumped it off.

One other thing.....look for your electrical box, it's a waterproof box that your positive cable is going into. Pull off the cover and look for any loose wires, especially where the red wire is coming off the solenoid. If your familar with jumping across the solenoid, then try that to see if the starter is turning the engine over. ..........

I really don't know where to go from here. Electricals and electronics are really hard to trouble shoot, especially through a forum (or email). I'm still kinda leaning toward your mpem. There isn't anything else in your electrical system that has the capability of shutting down the entire circuit, but that..........so if it's not a fuse.....:banghead:
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