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96 xp bogging down

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New Member
Whats up guys i got a 96 xp with the 110 hp motor. not to mention its a BRAND NEW motor put in at the end of last year and it has already had its break in period... i brought it out the other day and it seemed to be doing fine till about 30 minutes into my fun time then it started to bog down at higher rpms and then it would even shut off most of the time. i thought it might be a fuel sending problem so i cleaned the primary/ reserve Petcock and made sure the lines were clear even checked the fuel filter.. well it still bogs down any help or suggestions will be great thanks.
bog down

Does bog down mean it starts loosing power and rpm? have you looked at the plugs after this, and what was the condition (wet with gas, oil, dry and grey).

Would it start right up afterward, and if so did you have to work the throttle to get it going?

do have the grey gas lines on it still?
Yea it still has the greyish fuel lines on it and when i say bogging down i do mean losing Rpms all the way to the point where it shuts off. then it takes it a little effort to get it started again like feathering the throttle and sometime chokeing it although i have not looked at the plugs yet i'll do that this very second
might have leaned out and killed the motor. Do compression test, if ok, then REMOVE the grey lines and pull carbs and go thru them...

might have leaned out and killed the motor. Do compression test, if ok, then REMOVE the grey lines and pull carbs and go thru them...

If you have to choke it then that means to much air for the fuel supply you currently have. Sounds like it is starving for something, maybe a good time :)
Have you checked out the gas?Does it smell old?Have you looked at the carbs?They have a filter in them.
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