So, here is the story...
Came back to the lake house after 3 weeks. One of my 2 matching units would not start, after they were both running fine.
Put on the lanyard, get the double short beep. Press start/stop and get between 1-2 seconds of starter engaging, then stops. Does not start. Press start/stop again and nothing. Take lanyard off, replace and nothing. With lanyard off, hold start/stop for a bit, get a (long) beep, replace lanyard, get 2 short beeps, then the same starter engages for 1-2 seconds, does not start.
Pulled out my manual:
Put into 'extended' DSS mode by pressing start/stop 5 times, get the beep, replace lanyard, get two short beeps...which the manual says is a DSS lanyard problem or wiring to the DSS switch.
Take the lanyard from the other unit (which is 'programmed' for both) and get the same info.
Battery fully charged, cleaned/checked connections in the solenoid box...what is going on.
This thing was runnig fine before a 3 week rest. Did note water in the solenoid housing and some corresion on terminals/fuse holder, but cleaned it all up
Came back to the lake house after 3 weeks. One of my 2 matching units would not start, after they were both running fine.
Put on the lanyard, get the double short beep. Press start/stop and get between 1-2 seconds of starter engaging, then stops. Does not start. Press start/stop again and nothing. Take lanyard off, replace and nothing. With lanyard off, hold start/stop for a bit, get a (long) beep, replace lanyard, get 2 short beeps, then the same starter engages for 1-2 seconds, does not start.
Pulled out my manual:
Put into 'extended' DSS mode by pressing start/stop 5 times, get the beep, replace lanyard, get two short beeps...which the manual says is a DSS lanyard problem or wiring to the DSS switch.
Take the lanyard from the other unit (which is 'programmed' for both) and get the same info.
Battery fully charged, cleaned/checked connections in the solenoid box...what is going on.
This thing was runnig fine before a 3 week rest. Did note water in the solenoid housing and some corresion on terminals/fuse holder, but cleaned it all up