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96 GTX with very reproducible problem. Any guesses??


New Member

Where to go? I'm thinking a bad rectifier.
Please listen to the short video--especially the audio. It can be found at: What to check?? I'm wondering if it is a bad rectifier - PWCToday

So far this year I have done the following:

New battery—6/24

Rebuilt carbs w/new needles, seats and jets—6/24

Replaced plugs—6/24

Hour 7/4/24—122.3

Replaced tuned pipe (hole) 7/24

Set idle and checked oil pump—7/24

Replaced coil—8/24

Replaced MAG RAVE piston cap--8/24

I have just found the MAG side RAVE cap melted and replaced it. It ran well up to 2-3 weekends ago. Now, each time it starts it will start easily and then miss. This is VERY reproducible. Any opinions or ideas??
Ok disconnect the red wire going out of the voltage rectifier if it runs good then your problem is the rectifier
That's a lot of parts, did you buy OEM replacement parts, are you sure all those parts were bad. First and foremost did you use the OEM carb rebuild kit? Also what coil? Does your beeper work?
All of the parts replaced were required for different issues. Battery was 5 years old. Carbs had been sitting in storage for 2-3 years (kids). Tuned pipe had a water leak on the bottom--'nuff said. Coil ohmed out bad. Ran great for several weeks and this just started 2-3 weeks ago. Crud oozing down MAG RAVE base so started there, Piston top plastic completely loose with a hole around the actual metal blade so everything so far required. Most all of the parts are OEM. Video at PWC shot today made me guess it was the rectifier but no time to check. Checked this afternoon and ran perfectly again AFTER pulling the battery wire. Replaced the rectifier (non-OEM this time but whatever OSD carries) and now back to normal. Curious though that the original unit had clear covering and the new does not. When I went back through the records for this one (we have 3 GTXs), It appears that it was the original OEM one installed back in 1996. Lasted a long time!