New Member
Hi,Thanks for listening anyone who can help, I got a 96 GTS in a Trade for a Quad straight acrosss,the guy swore it just needed a battery and I would be on the water,there was no battery even in it,I don't know why I traded him but I did. So I went and bought a top of the line 80.00 battery ,filled it with acid and had it charged,brought it home installed it ,NothingNo Beeps,No Nothing with the exception of a single click from the starter relay each time I pressed the button. I finally located the electric box with the fuses in it, checked them all and found the 15amp one to be bad. I replaced it,put everything back together and Nothing the same click....So I am sitting there beating my head on the Handlebars while my Wife is yelling,2 of my Boys are glaring at me in disgust,and the 3rd who has been "assisting " me the whole time wants to crack me in the head with a ratchet,I am randomly pressing the starter button without the little key thing on it and the "Doo" BEEPS ONE TIME,Wow! I's fixed!!! So I put the key thing on,Nothing,No Beeps,just the same old Click (Single,not like a low battery chatter, a good strong click),I can do this again,and again,it will not beep while the key thing is on it,only when after I take it off and press the starter button 4 times exactly,It will beep once. The Fuses are all still fine,I jumped the relay and the starter will not turn over at all,Is the starter BAD?? Do I have to take off the intake orexhaust or whatever that giant thing is coming off the motor over the top of the starter to get to it..?? I have turned the motor over by grabbing the "round metal" thing on the back of the motor on the impeller shaft,so it is not frozen,someone please Help,I cannot afford to become a Premium number for at least another week (however I will as soon as I can),Anybody..... Thanks In Advance,Vegas