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96 GTS replaced 15 amp,now beeps after

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Hi,Thanks for listening anyone who can help, I got a 96 GTS in a Trade for a Quad straight acrosss,the guy swore it just needed a battery and I would be on the water,there was no battery even in it,I don't know why I traded him but I did. So I went and bought a top of the line 80.00 battery ,filled it with acid and had it charged,brought it home installed it ,NothingNo Beeps,No Nothing with the exception of a single click from the starter relay each time I pressed the button. I finally located the electric box with the fuses in it, checked them all and found the 15amp one to be bad. I replaced it,put everything back together and Nothing the same click....So I am sitting there beating my head on the Handlebars while my Wife is yelling,2 of my Boys are glaring at me in disgust,and the 3rd who has been "assisting " me the whole time wants to crack me in the head with a ratchet,I am randomly pressing the starter button without the little key thing on it and the "Doo" BEEPS ONE TIME,Wow! I think.....it's fixed!!! So I put the key thing on,Nothing,No Beeps,just the same old Click (Single,not like a low battery chatter, a good strong click),I can do this again,and again,it will not beep while the key thing is on it,only when after I take it off and press the starter button 4 times exactly,It will beep once. The Fuses are all still fine,I jumped the relay and the starter will not turn over at all,Is the starter BAD?? Do I have to take off the intake orexhaust or whatever that giant thing is coming off the motor over the top of the starter to get to it..?? I have turned the motor over by grabbing the "round metal" thing on the back of the motor on the impeller shaft,so it is not frozen,someone please Help,I cannot afford to become a Premium number for at least another week (however I will as soon as I can),Anybody..... Thanks In Advance,Vegas:(:(:(
ya gotta be the starter....especially if it didnt jump off the solenoid. just pull the pipe and swap em out.. save the stress by pulling the pipe. :cheers:unless you didnt charge the battery!!!!!!!!!!! make sure a good battery dude.:redface:

double pits to chesty:reddevil:
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Thanks for Responding

Thanks Bud, I am pulling my hair out here,Battery is New as of this morning,I filled it with Acid Myself and Had It charged at AutoZone,It was the Battery that the computer called for in the Parts Store,I don't know how many cranking amps it has but I am hoping enough,it was 78.00 and the best one they had,I tested the relay with a meter and was working perfectly and I tried to jump it as well with no response from Starter World,It's the same as working on Anything else,I just wasn't sure about pulling the pipe,Any pointers on where I should remove it from,Like right out of the head like on a Dirt Bike,a couple of bolts and a "O" Ring with a support bolt or two down the line...What are the two lines that go into it towards the front of the ski??I am confused about the Beep thing,it that supposed to happen after I press the start button to "wake up the gas gauge" as before I press it it says nothing,then press the starter button and the fuel reads full and then it beeps,as soon as I put the little cap key thingy on there It still gives me the fat click like it's trying to send juice,but it never has made a beep when that thing it on. Also 1 mone quick question,Is that a generic "key",or is it programmed to the bike,it looks like a little crappy plastic cap,i don't see any way to program anything too it,Should it hold the button all the way down or just like halfway like it does???Sorry I am totally new to these things,and this one to refresh your memory is a 96 GTS,it just looks like a really simple small plastic cap.Thanks Again in Advance,Vegas
yeah, starter bad, if you jump'n relay, and nuth'n happening, but, check the connections and cables going to starter. Had same problem, to find the cable was broke underneath the heatshrink.

Also, take an eraser, and clean the landyard and post, possible, the landyard/post are bad too..

Ypu posted same time I did. Does the post have a silver dot in middle with chrome ring around it, and the landyard have a flat metal strap, on the inside?
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96 GTS did not have the DESS lanyard, just a simple black cap that depresses the switch. you will not get the 2 beeps like the DESS system, the beep you're getting sounds like a low fuel warning or a low voltage warning, check your main wire ground connection at the motor, also check your main positve wire connection at the starter.

Double check to make sure the motor is completely free first. Take the spark plugs out and turn the motor over several rotations by hand and feel/listen closely to make sure it's not hanging up in any one spot.

I think the click you hear is the solenoid working properly, if you put your hand on it, you can feel the click inside but make sure you're getting voltage to the starter when the start button is depressed for about 10 seconds, feel the starter to see if it is warming up.

I would not remove the pipe to change the starter, you can work around it pretty easily once you know where the bolts are, look at the fiche diagrams. use a mirror and and a light and you'll be fine, a little tight for a beginner but you'll get it. taking the pipe off will open up a bigger can of worms.

the starter probably just needs taken apart and cleaned, very rarely do they actually need replaced.
:cheers:i damned my ski to hell maybe 15 times trying to get to my starter....... i personally think it is easier to remove the pipe to get to it. gives you a little more space. but ya doo is right, it is a bigger can-o-worms if you dont know whats up. also, that plunger on the post needs to be all the way down. like he said, starter may just need to be freed up... prob. got water logged and lil rusty.....?? good luck man!!:cheers:
I just removed the 2 bolts and one nut on the "top" section of the pipe and the bolt that supports the pipe on the side,I came up to check the forums and see if any suggestions,what size socket do i need for the 2 starter bolts,does the ground bolt you can see from the top need to be removed as well or just the 2 main starter bolts and power cable? So do I ese like 3 6" extensions to get back in there,I have not removed the pipe all the way yet and will try to get it first,thanks for both opinions,If I can't get it,what am I trying to avoid as far as the proverbial "can of worms",I sure don't need any more "issues" at this point. Thanks Very Much to Both of you,Vegas
Now I am beginning to wonder about this new battery

maybe it is a low voltage beep,the 1st time I tried to start it,the starter began to rotate very slowly,like not enough power,and never moved again after that,just the click ,is there a safe way to boost start, like jumping with the other vehicle not running to make sure it is not just a cranking amps issue..Vegas
getting the pipe out is no problem, getting it back in properly, sealed with new gaskets, and torqued is the can of worms, not hard but you have to pay close attention to detail and have clean surfaces and tighten evenly.
the only safe way to jump or boost the system is to use another battery to jump it in parallel, never use a running car or a high current boost box or another battery in series, you'll fry the MPEM.
You can jump with a battery jumper pack or a non running car no problem but never apply more than 12 volts.
tap on the starter with a hammer while you are trying to start it, sometimes that frees them up temporarily, do it with the plugs out so it turns over easier.
Thank you Much,I will try that 1st. Am I on target with the multiple extension theory to get to the starter bolts? Again,You help has been SO Appriciated,Vegas
Yes, extensions are needed. can't remember for sure, been awhile since I did a 587/567/720 starter, but I think a single 6" extension with a deepwell was the ticket. it's best to work by feel and it's not too bad, but I've done tons so it's easy for me to say. try not to drop stuff but if you do listen to whether it falls under the bed plate or on top of it, compressed air is good for blowing stuff out to the back, service mirror and light also important.
Hi Again,I got the top bolt witha 12mm socket ,I can't seem to get it on the bottom bolt,Both Bolt heads shoud be the sae size,shouldn't they? DO I take the power lead off once the starter bolts are off,I can't even feel when the main lead attached to the starter,I am working outside in 105 degrees here in Vegas and my Patience level is Minus 10,thenks for putting up with me,I will keep you posted.Vegas
yes, same size bolt as I recall, thought it was 13 but could be wrong, it's 60 degrees and raining here in Ohio. you are correct, you don't have to unbolt the 10mm starter nut wire until it's out where you can see it better.
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OK, I have removed the Starter.......

Well,It woulldn't have taken so long if someone hadn't at sometime replaced one of the starter bolts with one that has a different size head,top one was 12mm,bottom was 13mm,anyways got it out,touched the ground cable to the neg on my jeep battery (not running of course) and lowered the hot post right onto the battery terminal,the bendix tried faintly to pop out and the motor turned maybe 1/2 a revolution,it only did this once.I tried some juper cables to try different spots for ground and to also bypass the factory ground cable,I never got any more or other kind of response,Should I attempt to open this thing up,(I have rebuilt an alternator or two as a kid)? There is a starter rebuilding place here in LV that claims they can rebuild it In a Days time for 95.00 ,The Cheapest I can find one in town is 199.95,I see them on FleaBay for 55.00 to 85.00,What is the best way to go? And thanks for encouraging me to remove the starter without messing with the Pipe,much better now that I did it. Man does working on these things on the trailer take a toll on your back or what?? I know why folks with extra money just Pay the Shop,Wish I could ,but not happening. Thanks Again,Vegas
Just take it apart and clean it, especially the brushes, contacts, and armature. I'll bet it works like new, they usually do. It is a 20 minute job, if you can get it out the boat, you can certainly take it apart go through it, there's not much to it, you'll be surprised, and best of all it's FREEEEEEE!
Hey There, So I did open it up,but I did not take the cap off all of the way,I was afraid that little magnets,brushes,ect. would go flying everywhere,I created a bit of space between the cap and poured a bit of moisture out of it,tightend the bolts back up and it worked for a few seconds (maybe 15 Seconds Off/On)then is started to Slow down again. It sounds like I will be able to put it back together.I am going to give it a shot. I found another place that said they would do it in 4 hours for 75.00,Hopefully If I don't get it,I won't mess it up so it can't be rebuilt. Wish me luck...Vegas
I am going kooKoo for ko ko puffs with this starter

I rebuilt the starter myself,the brushes were so rusty the were not making any kind of contact,I went through it with a fine tooth comb,and it works awesome!! Now I am trying to put it back in and the bolt holes are off,I know I took the damn thing out of there,I scratched the case of the starter on both ends across the caps for indexing purposes,I measured the distance from the center of the armature to the center of the boltholes and it is different by about a half a bolt hole,I have tried to get it to fit with no cables even attached to it in both of the 2 possible positions and NO GO,I don't get it,ANYBODY have any Idea WTF I have done here,my ribs are Black and Blue from lying on top of this thing....Thanks again,Vegasss:ack::ack::(
Hmmm....that is odd that the bolt holes don't line up, they normally go right in. Sounds like somebody cobbed it up and put a different starter in it especially if the positive stud location was not accessible while it was in, not sure from what because most of the seadoo ones are interchangeable(stud location varies though) except for the 951. Can you measure the distance between the hole centers and give it to me? I have a few of those starters lying around, I'll measure one.
If you can post a pic of the starter that would help as well.
SOlved,Fixed,Running Like A Champ,THANKS ALL

There was no stud,I was looking at a bolt hole on top of the housing and confused it with going to the started,my 14 year old came home from school and put come calm eyes on it,we bolted up the starter,replaced the battery,and we are UP,Now need to find Life Jackets and New Fire Extinguisher. Anyone know the Approx Value of a Clean 96 GTS with Super nice Trailer???Thanks Again Everybody,Vegasss
ski is worth about $1k, trailer is worth about $300

Aren't you glad you didn't spend $ to rebuild the starter or buy a new one? I suspect most of those starter rebuild places don't really rebuild them or even replace the brushes and probably just clean them up which is all you did.

Make sure to use the correct oil or it won't last long.

Good luck and have fun!!!!
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