I bought a 96 challenger that hadn't run for a year. The rotary valve was seized but the engine looked good so I had it broken down, cleaned, and put back together. The boat ran fine for an hour then the o ring on the cylinder head split dumping water into the rear chamber. A new o ring fixed it for another hour untill that one went, and there was water in the chamber again. I replaced it and it ran fine for 1 minute until at full throttle i was only getting 3000 rpms. Pulled the plug, no water. Cleaned and replaced it, 1 minute of running perfect then the same thing happened. The boat was loosing the rear cylinder after a minute of running fine, no matter how many plugs I changed. Aftrer three days of sitting, it started right up so I took it to the water. For the past three days, I can run for about 15 minutes before the engine dies out and gives me about 4000 at full throttle. It runs mint for the 15 minutes though. I cleaned the fuel filter, the carbs were cleaned a week ago, there is spark in both cylinders, no more water is getting in through the head, and I have 180 psi in both cylinders with an r&d head. I need serious help or this thing is going to drive me crazy. I have tried bypassing the rectifier, clearing the gas vent line, running with the cover off, testing the electrical with an in line spark tester, sea foam in the intake, and the engine is cool to the touch, all with no help. The spark is consistant while the boat is running fine, and when it is struggling. I don't know where to go next.