95 xp starting problems need help

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New Member
i recently purchased a couple of jet ski's while riding this weekend it was running fine and died, now i have no lights, indications of buzzers whatsoever.
i have a good battery, checked the start&stop switch,checked the kill switch.
checked 3 fuses in electrical box all are ok. jumped the selenoid motot turns over. help help help
Non DESS....

If this were the DESS model ski, I'd believe your post was bad. But from what I'm reading, you don't have the DESS (digital electronic security system).
Looking at the wiring layout, there are only those two switches that could cause this, physically, but you may be having a problem to ground. Check your grounding system really well, change it to a different location on the engine if you have to but you need to make sure you have a good ground.
If you have a multi meter, put the red lead on the positive post of the battery then, put the ground on areas of the motor, that are metal exposed. Like the end of your head bolt, etc.........
My first checks would be the safety switch and the start/stop switch, so make sure that they have good continuity........:cheers:
thanks i believe we have something, the voltage to the motor block from the + term was good, however i checked the ground inside the electronic box and had no continuity with the frame. i jumped the small grounds to the neg side of the relay and it tried to start but blew the 5 amp fuse will try and chase down the ground if you think of anything else please send.

thanks david
95 xp starting problems----
found ground wire going into front of motor on 4 pin gray plug broken.
but now it is blowing the 5 amp fuse

Then that can only mean one of two things.........you've got a live short somewhere, or your electronic module is bad.
I should have looked over your wiring diagraphm again........I'll be right back and edit this post. Check on this post again a bit later for additional info...

Is it blowing the 5 amp fuse as soon as you apply electrical power from your switch or when you try and start it. What about the 15 amp fuse? Is it o.k.?

There is a member here who said he could fix modules that were blowing their 5 amp fuses. He has a custom repair shop and seems to be a good contact person on your module. The price to replace it is several hundred (I haven't looked yet but I bet it's over $500) and his price to repair the 5 amp fuse problem is about $100. He may be worth looking up. Here is a link to his member profile, it has contact info there. Look on the page, you'll see a link to his posts. Go read his info. It may be worth your time, to save you a lot of money.http://www.seadooforum.com/member.php?u=3210
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i believe that the vts is the problem i noticed that the wires were disconnected while serching for the ground. it must have been bad hen i bought the doo. searching for the oringinal problem i found a plug disconnected i hooked it back up, that's why the fuse started blowing after i found the bad wire. i disc the plug and she fired right up. my be back to try and figure out the vts later. thanks for the help.

So cool!....

Wow, that's really cool!....I'm glad it was a live short and not a module problem. When I looked at the wiring diagraphm, I don't recall seeing the purple/red wires crossing paths with the VTS........but hey, it works. That's all that counts..........:cheers::hurray:
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