This thing backfires violently...
The negative yes.Which ground, the negative battery cable?
The negative yes.
It's a core exchange engine from sbt so I really have no idea on the internals. Here is a pic at tdc of the rotary valve with degree wheel... one thing I noticed is all the bolts for the valve cover are the same size and there was a sticker on the core which said long bolts in bottom...
This is what I'm thinking as well, just I have no way to prove it. Cylinder casting number?
And I'm still wondering if you have a big air leak. I realize this doesn't help much.
You can't put the pistons in backwards, the rings would be piled up in the exhaust port before the engine even started.. I don't think that is it.
It would be an air leak between the carb and engine wouldnt it? This is why I mentioned the bolts that go in the rotary valve cover. I had suspected that possibly a couple of the bolts may be too long and not allowing the ring seal to seat but I have no way to confirm that.
Had a 720 that was backfiring through the carb and couldn't for the life of me figure it out. Checked and double checked everything. Swapped parts from it's good running twin ski, and still nothing. Finally noticed that the center of the flywheel had a small crack from one of the bolt holes to the edge of the center hub. Upon further inspection, I found that the flywheel had rotated on the center hub. Replaced with a used flywheel and it ran perfect. I've never seen this happen on any other ski, but may be worth taking a look at at this point as you've gone through everything elseI'm leaning towards not four stroking. This thing backfires violently... I am also wondering if there was something changed in this engine core from sbt where it may require a different valve setup or something...?
Also is there a certain position that the flywheel should be in at tdc? I wondered if it was possible to spin the center part of the flywheel if it got overtightened...I suppose that's a possibility as well. Still puzzled.
There are no alignment marks. I referenced the keyway in the center hub to holes on the flywheel and compared with known good flywheels to determine it had spunIs there a way to see if it has spun? For instance should there me a marker in a certain position at tdc?