There is a special washer on the shaft boot close to the PTO that you are supposed to remove, but I never do. I've had my pump off 3 times in the past year and simply unbolted the the 4 bolts on the housing, removed the necessary hoses, and lines (steering, reverse) and she pulled straight off. In addition to the 4 bolts for the pump housing, the ride shoe and intake grate need to be removed or at least loosened enough to allow the pump to come out. (Ride shoe needs to drop about 2.5 to 3 inches). In some cases they can be a little tough if the shaft is tight, but mine comes right of the shaft without issue (or without a puller).
When putting the pump back on, it is recommended that you use Loctite RVT or some type of RVT gasket maker. While you have the pump off it might be a good time to replace your neoprene ring.