94 to 96 seadoo XP

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New Member
I come to notice 94 to 96 model XP is very popular in older seadoos. Would you guys say this is the best older watercraft someone can get?

Originally I was thinking I might wait out a bit and get a newer GTI 4tec or something like in the new generation that but it seems these older XP's are still running strong and very fun to ride. Its just sucks that canadian prices are always steeper than US, example the same XP sells for 2k in US and in Can they sell for 3k and up.

I'd like to know more in depth about the XP's like fuel and oil consumption, if you have to mix the oil to the fuel, overall handling, speed etc.
U.S. economy....

Well, with what I've been reading in the paper and seeing on the news is that the American dollar is losing it's value around the world. If this is true, it won't be long, you'll be able to buy for the same price we do....:rofl:
The XP is a great machine. My philosophy about the choice in the newer models verses the older ones can be compared to buying a new computer. Just because a newer, faster processor was made, it doesn't mean you have to rush right out and get one. When it comes out, it's expensive as hell!...but if you wait for several years, it gets cheaper along the way.
The other idea is, if your fairly new to the world of Rotax engines but have some experience in working on engines, then these engines will give you a lot of fun working on. They are simple and pretty easy to trouble shoot. They don't have all that engine managment system stuff with all the micro processors and sensors...........
They are pretty fast and agile, yet not as fast as the 4-TEC's......
But I see your looking at a 94-96.......I know the 96 XP was running the 787cc, which is the engine of choice for me. But the 94 may be running the 717. Good luck on whatever you decide. You'll be getting a good one. But you know, you'll also be getting one that will require some wrenching. Once you got it all wrenched up, you should be good to go with it for several more years though.
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