New Member
I just came back from the lake, and the boat started just fine, ran flawlessly for 5-10 minutes, then the starboard engine stumbles a little then dies. The first time i managed to restart it, and it ran until i got up on plane then died again. So i gave it a little bit of time, started them both back up and then increased the throttles slowly to see what rpm, it would start dieing out at. The magic number seemed to be around 4000 rpm. Also, i noticed that after the restart, i couldn't really pass 4500 rpm at all with that engine. I tried to start it a few more times after this, and it seemed to have a really hard time turning over, almost like it was locked up. After that, i gave up running that engine and drove slowly around the lake with one engine. I parked, then checked the engines... (good news is they were still both there.... :thumbsup but unfortunately i didn't have tools with me.. so i couldn't do much... i did notice however that turning the PTO by hand was nearly impossible, where as the other engine i could at least get it moving a bit.
another thing i noticed was that the flush fitting for that engine was making a strange gurgling sound immediately after stalling, which i hadn't heard before.
The compression was checked the day before for a different issue, and is between 143-148 on each piston.
Please help, i could really use it.
I just came back from the lake, and the boat started just fine, ran flawlessly for 5-10 minutes, then the starboard engine stumbles a little then dies. The first time i managed to restart it, and it ran until i got up on plane then died again. So i gave it a little bit of time, started them both back up and then increased the throttles slowly to see what rpm, it would start dieing out at. The magic number seemed to be around 4000 rpm. Also, i noticed that after the restart, i couldn't really pass 4500 rpm at all with that engine. I tried to start it a few more times after this, and it seemed to have a really hard time turning over, almost like it was locked up. After that, i gave up running that engine and drove slowly around the lake with one engine. I parked, then checked the engines... (good news is they were still both there.... :thumbsup but unfortunately i didn't have tools with me.. so i couldn't do much... i did notice however that turning the PTO by hand was nearly impossible, where as the other engine i could at least get it moving a bit.
another thing i noticed was that the flush fitting for that engine was making a strange gurgling sound immediately after stalling, which i hadn't heard before.
The compression was checked the day before for a different issue, and is between 143-148 on each piston.
Please help, i could really use it.