'93 spi issues...

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New Member
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and don't know a whole lot about these things...I hope to learn something here. I've had my '93 SPI for about 5 years now and this is the first time I've ever had issues with it.

My ski starts up, no problem. I can ride it for about 200 yards at 1/2 throttle then it dies. It starts right back up then if I give it any throttle at all it dies.

I've noticed that it's started to smoke from the rear, too.

I'm thinking it's either carb related or oil related (maybe a bad filter).

Any ideas? Thanks...
Hey nate, welcome to the seadoo forum. Why would you think it is a bad filter? What is the regular maintiance that you do so we can figure what you have or haven't done to induce this problem.
Every spring it gets basic maintenance...plugs cleaned or changed, carbs cleaned and tuned, etc. Generally, it's been a very low maintenance machine and has always ran well. Last summer is when the dying and smoking started. It only smokes when it is first cranked from cold and when it is under a little pressure (2 people on it with very little throttle) getting up out of the water from a sit still.

Yesterday, I put the battery back in and checked the spark plugs and they looked ok. It started on the second try...that's pretty quick considering how cold-natured it is.

When I had it serviced beginning of last year, the mechanic suggested I change the oil in the cone filter in the rear, steering part of the jet (don't know the name of it). Maybe that's got something to do with it??
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Welcome to the forum Nate.....
How old is your engine? Is it the original one? When is the last time you checked the compression? What were your results? Have you had any work done to the carb?
The 587cc sincle carb rotax was a very reliable engine, but with time, all motors go south. The smoking issue may be caused by a leaking rotary shaft seal. The engine dying out on you when you try to accelerate sounds like it could be a restriction of fuel to your cylinders. Have you checked your carb filter for trash? The manual does not say what type carb you have but I'll assume it's a Mikuni...probably 38.
See if you can answer those questions I've posted to you. That will help everyone here better understand and add to my post. If your old "faithful" engine has good compression and your rotary seals are leaking causing the smoke, I'd say just let it smoke a season or two, while you save for a new motor.
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