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717 broken oil injection barb on rotary valve cover

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I accidentally broke the rear oil line injection brass barb off the rotary valve cover on my 96 gti 717 when I was putting new oil lines on the ski. It basically broke the whole barb off. All that's left is a very small smooth stub. Im afraid if I zip tie the new oil line on what is left it will come off while riding. Is there a way to replace the brass fitting in the valve cover or do I need to replace the whole rotary valve cover itself on the 717? If I need to replace the cover does anyone for sale?
Go to seadoomanuals.net and select your ski and hit the parts catalog section try to find the part diagram and see if you can get something off that.
It doesnt look like a replaceable part. To fix I bought size up brass tubing and jb welded it on over the existing broken barb. I thought about soldering it on but for some reason none of the stores around me had flux so I used jb weld. Its on there good now. I used heat gun and the 3/32 oil line slid over the larger brass with no issues. This is a little jerry rigged but I didnt want to have to pay 175 for a new rotary valve cover from sbt.
I do believe they are check valves.also the bigger line might cause a rich condition or air in the lines they are calibrated for a certain size oil line.either cap the lines and premix it and keep oil feeding rotary valve or put the right line on and install it on what's left of the fitting.a small amount will hold the line on but get a small oetiker clamp and use that instead of a cheap zip tie.
No, the 720 doesn't use check valves at the manifold barbs, it is on the oil pump.
Well based on posts I went ahead and blocked the lines and converted to premix. I simply removed the plastic gear, remounted the oil pump cut the lines and blocked them off with 4 small bolts in the lines. I left the oil tank and larger lines to supply oil to block. Im pretty sure I would have been fine with with the repair as done since the 720 doesnt have check valves on rotary cover. But better safe than sorry.
It's your ski. :)
As an old 2-stroke guy... you won't have any issues with oil any longer. :D For me it is a bit of a pain to premix such a large amount of fuel. You're ski isn't going to burn with the 787 and 951s burn so it won't be as bad. The larger engined skis can go through 10 gallons pretty quick. Good Luck !!
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