657x no water from "pee hole"

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95 seadoo speedster..
first time out boat ran ok, both engines showed water peeing from pee hole.
took boat to mechanic to have carbs on starboard side rebuilt.
took boat out and water wouldnt pee from peehole on starboard side
flushed engine from top at factory flush fitting, water come from peehole
installed t fitting at lower hose to flush jet and make sure water comes from peehole when pressure applied at lower iuntake hose
did find small small leak on exhaust pipe what looks like freeze plug,, used some jb weld to stop leak for testing tomorrow.
dont understand how water goes from tuned pipe into head where peehole line is located..
also would tiny tiny leak on tune pipe stop water from coming out pee hole and what is that freeze plug looking thing on the tune pipe,, there is 2 on each side of pipe.
The small leak shouldn't stop the water from coming out the pee-hole... but on the hose... it may be hard to get.

I wouldn't worry yet. Get it out on the water, and start it up.
last time i had it out on the water after carb rebuild no water came from pee hole and engine overheated with beeper going steady for a minute,,
thats why i did the flush on both the top stock flush valve and installed the t fitting on the lower hose to flush the jet..
i will be taking it to water toimorrow morning to see if water come from pee hole while still on trailer in water
but tell me
how does water go from intake at jet to the head? there is no common passage on the 95 657x,, i have the parts schematic from the shop manual
The jet pump makes pressure. (if it's in good shape) That forces water up the cooling hose and into the head pipe water jacket. From there... it will flow thought the exhaust manifold... into the cyl's, and then up to the head. As long as that gets enough pressure... water will come out the pee-hole.

The jet pump makes a HUGE amount of pressure compared to your garden hose... so the leak in the head pipe shouldn't divert enough water to overheat the engine. I would be worried that the cyl's are full of sand, or the water exits are clogged up.

When you back flushed the system... did you get water out the pump nozzle?

With all that said... if your pump is in bad shape... you won't build water pressure in the cooling system. Are you having cavitation issues?
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when i backflushed with the t fitting i put on lo0wer hose water came out jet, when i backflush from stock top flush water comes out pee hole.
if it doesnt work today in the river.. can i remove the tune pipe and what i am guessing is the exhaust manifold between tune pipe and block and flush from hose at top of head ( stock flush line). will that remove some of the built up sand if there is any,, is there another way to tottally clean cooling system without breaking the head bolts?
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