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2K2 RXDI No beep everything dead

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New Member
Skis were running when dropped off at shop to winterize, then when I picked them up to use them this season - nothing, no beep, no cranking absolutely nothing. The company that winterized them epoxyed battery tenders inside the hull, attached them to the batterys but did not plug them into power. I tried to jump them but after hooking up jumper cables, still no beep after putting on the lanyard key. Charged the batteries, but still NOTHING. Any suggestions where to start? Thanks for any and all advice!
yes, take it to autozone have the battery checked...I can bet you it is bad.....just because you charge a battery does not mean it holds it, you can charge it for a week check it, it will tell you 12-13 volts then it can still be junk. try that lets see where we get from there.
by not keeping a tender on there if the battery goes dead and stays that way for awhile there is sometimes no hope for it.
Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately the skis are stored 3 hours away at the lake, but I am driving out tomorrow with a new battery and fingers crossed!
I'm also taking 25 and 30 amp fuses which I understand the 25amp goes to the MPEM and the 30 amp goes to the rear electrical box. Is it really that straight forward or is there a trick to checking/changing the fuses?
why not take them back to the shop? if they went there running then they should have came back the same way? If they forgot to hook up the chargers then maybe they also had someone hook them up and did it backwards and just told you they forgot to plug them in? I would call the place you took them to.
we did talk to them while not admitting they did anything wrong they said they would pay for one of the batteries (we have two with identical problem) but they are more "good ole boys" and not authorized service and I think with guidance from here we will do a better job than they can do.
I'm with CPG,

If they ran before you took them there, then they should have after.
If both don't crank, then it's something they did. I would have thought that batteries would be the issue as well, however since boosting didn't solve the issue then I'm willing to bet the device they put in fried something (MPEM or fuse).
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