Ten minutes into riding and it stalls. Won't start again, pull the seats and smoke is coming from the rear of the vessel. It's not burnt oil, or electronics, but just smells like regular smoke. Get it home and a day later try and start it again, same problem. Extremely slow crank turns over once, maybe twice. Pull the plugs, turns over a bit faster, still not fast enough to start. Swapped the starter, starter cable, starter solenoid and relay from the other ski that starts fine, to this one, same problem. The other ski starts so all those parts weren't the issue. Batteries are new (bought in the last month), have swapped them from each ski, the one that runs fine starts with both. The problem ski has this issue with both batteries. One evening, with the plugs out, I wanted to record what I was experiencing and by sheer dumb luck, as soon as I was recording and went to hold the start button, it cranked normally for about two seconds. Tried again, back to the slow whirring weak crank - can be heard in this YouTube video:
Once I stopped recording, it cranked normally again after being slow, so I put the plugs back in and it started. I let it run for a few seconds and shut it off. Tried to start again, back to the slow cranking.
Aside from that issue, I pulled a hose from the supercharger and the walls of the supercharger have aluminum dust on them. I thought it might have failed to the point of being seized or partially seized, putting a drag on the motor but that's not the case, pulled the supercharger out and there is some play in the shaft, the nut on the end of the shaft is rounded down a bit. I can't see anything severe but i'm not an expert. The inside of the hose I pulled off smelled just like the smoke I smelled inside the hull.
Logic points to these issues being related but I just can't see how. I don't know if I have two different issues and by a huge stroke of luck an electrical issue stalled the engine before the supercharger issue got a lot worse.
Anybody have any ideas on the slow crank that can be heard in the video?
Once I stopped recording, it cranked normally again after being slow, so I put the plugs back in and it started. I let it run for a few seconds and shut it off. Tried to start again, back to the slow cranking.
Aside from that issue, I pulled a hose from the supercharger and the walls of the supercharger have aluminum dust on them. I thought it might have failed to the point of being seized or partially seized, putting a drag on the motor but that's not the case, pulled the supercharger out and there is some play in the shaft, the nut on the end of the shaft is rounded down a bit. I can't see anything severe but i'm not an expert. The inside of the hose I pulled off smelled just like the smoke I smelled inside the hull.
Logic points to these issues being related but I just can't see how. I don't know if I have two different issues and by a huge stroke of luck an electrical issue stalled the engine before the supercharger issue got a lot worse.
Anybody have any ideas on the slow crank that can be heard in the video?