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2014 Seadoo GTX 260 Limited iS - Died on water and now won't crank over


New Member
Hey guys, I have a 2014 GTX 260 Limited iS model (100hrs). I was out on on the water all day, and towards the end of the day while coming down to an idle the ski cut off and turned off. I wasn't able to get it started back on the water at all, so I towed it home with my other ski.

I've since changed the battery, checked the fuses, changed the spark plugs, confirmed there's spark, bypassed the starter solenoid, gate operates in override mode all the way up and down. The ski will turn on, but slowly crank and almost start at times, but never fully turns over.

I'm able to catch the ibr light flashing a few times and "limp home mode" before the ski turns itself off. I'm not able to find any active faults in the dash (fault menu doesn't enumerate)

Do you guys have any pointers on what this could be? Will I be able to fix this myself? I'm wondering if this is something that really requires BUDS system and I'm SOL until I go to my local dealer....
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Check your supercharger, sounds like you lost a bearing. How long has it been since it was rebuilt last?
Honestly not sure, I just got the ski second hand. I believe it was well taken care of by the looks of it inside and out, but no idea if they've rebuilt the super or not.

Is there an easy way to tell if it's the super charger bearings?
Takes a little time on an IS since you'll have to lift the upper deck on the rear section to get access, there's a BRP video that shows how to do this. Once you have access, you'll take the intake hose off the sc and reach in to see if the impeller wheel spins or has a slight wiggle back and forth, or is completely locked up.
So I've lifted the deck up and gotten access to the supercharger. I'm able to put a socket on it and turn it both directions with a bit of force, no free play or looseness to it at all.

So seems like it's fine, right?
That is a left-handed nut and you shouldn't turn it cw or it could loosen it. Turn it ccw and it should turn the engine over. More importantly, it should have a little bit of play with your hand wiggling it back and forth.
If your IBR works in the override mode, check to make sure your left hand switch works the IBR as well. I had an IBR light come on and had a similar situation. The left hand switch does not throw a seperate code when it goes out. A malfunctioning switch only creates a general IBR malfunction as part of that CAN circuit and will place ski in limp mode. I replaced the switch after putting a known functioning switch in its place and everything returned to normal. Borrow the one from your functioning ski (assuming it is an IBR model) to make your diagnosis.
Update, zero play in the supercharger, and I've found aluminum colored dust on the intake and exhaust of the supercharger. I haven't had the chance to take it off yet, but from the looks of it, I'm thinking it's a blown bearing or something of the like.
Yep, pull the sc and you'll see the problem quickly when you try to spin it. The aluminum dust is the impeller touching off on the housing. Unfortunately, you will need a new impeller and most likely a housing. The impeller is perfectly balanced to spin at 30k rpms so any touch off will throw it out of balance and ruin it. Housing might be able to be reused if it has almost no depth to the touch off.
So I ended up fixing this by rebuilding the entire supercharger and getting a new impeller for it as well.
Thanks for all the help! 🙏