2013 RXT 260 oil leak in hull

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New Member
Hello all! I am new to this forum. My 2013 RXT 260 is leaking large amount of oil into the hull. Cleaned the hull. I put dye in the oil and took it to the ramp at night to run it on the trailer with a black light and mirrors. Couldnt see anything dripping and it should be noticeable based on the amount that accumulates after a run. (A tank of gas will run the dipstick to the bottom) I pulled it out of the water and you could see the oil floating on the little bit of water in the hull. Its coming out just cant figure out where? Help!
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Possible areas to look and hard to get at are the oil cooler, it is on the side of the block. Look at the Seadoo manual for its location. If you run in salt water, it could have failed from exposure/corrosion. The other area around the PTO/Magneto housing area there is a seal there. Have you had the supercharger off the engine at all? If the 2 o-rings weren't installed, it could leak from there as well.
Supercharger was rebuilt not long ago o rings were replaced. Oil leak existed prior to supercharger rebuild. I will see what needs to come off to examine the oil cooler. Hopefully the leak will be evident.
I looked at the repair manual and they are saying the motor has to come out for replacing the oil cooler. Is that the case or is there a work around?
Luckily haven't had to do it, but have seen on forums that they can be a problem. Could be from the front oil pump cover as well, or oil pressure switch which is under the throttle body.
I looked at the repair manual and they are saying the motor has to come out for replacing the oil cooler. Is that the case or is there a work around?
Not true, oil cooler easily changed after removing intake manifold.

Most common oil leak I see is the driveshaft bearing seal at the back of the engine bellows where the driveshaft come through. It normally is not the o-rings but actually seeps through the bearing. Get it clean and run on hose for a couple minutes then use tissues in spots to find the oil leak. Oil cooler next most common leak.
New here but having same type issue with oil leaking into the hull. No beeps or codes present. Was running this badass 2008 RXP-X 255 easily at 70mph off and on all day. Accelerated last time and was up to about 65mph and all the sudden it loses power drops speed to 50mph max (over 50 starts coughing/sputtering). Drove it just fine about 35mph back to the dock. When Idle at dock LOTS of white smoke (either out of exhaust or the hull vent not sure). When I was coming back to the dock I didn't notice the smoke while underway. There was no oil-slick out on the water but the hull had plenty of engine oil in the bottom of it. Pulled the oil stick and it doesn't show any oil on the stick. So: runs to 50mph; hesitates over 50mph and stalls back to less than 50mph. The oil spray residue seen as high as to the bottom of the valve cover and only on that side of the engine (exhaust manifold side). I can see oil spray residue over that side of the engine and onto the hull wall beside it. No oil spray anywhere else around engine but of course the acumination in the bottom. I know I have to find the leak but don't really understand what the leak and a still running engine limited to about 50mph may have in common?
I had the same issue today. Son was riding my 2010 GTX 215 and he said it would lose power and almost stall out. Seemed okay shortly after when he sucked up some debris causing it to stall. Couldn’t get it to turn over again. Took it out of the water and didn’t see any obstruction. At this point it turned over really slow like the battery was dead, which I just replaced a month ago. When I did get it started it wouldn’t rev normally and lots of white smoke. Will keep researching but I figured I’d check here. I’m thinking of taking this to a shop as the multiple issues. I’m a fairly good mechanically but this worries me. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Please post your findings.
Had a similar problem with a 2005 RXT couple of weeks ago. There is a system which controls the crankcase pressure. If this malfunctions and does not allow the TOPS valve to open, pressure can build up in the crank case and cause an oil leak.
In my case the oil was bubbling out of the back edge of the valve cover. It stopped as soon as I took off the oil fill cap.
Had a Friend that i ride with his oil problem was similar, 1st problem was a leaking oil pressure sensor under intake manifold and crush washer from timing chain tensioner some how it went missing, when both item replace no more oil leaks and oil light flickering after about 2 hrs of run time and 2 months headaches.
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