Hey all, new to the forum but not new to Seadoo. That being said I am new to the 255 engine. I’m having an issue and I don’t want to throw parts at a ski it’s never been my style. I bought a 2009 RXPX that has 151 hours on it. Documentation for tons of work all the common issues and some not so common. The engine was replaced approximately 20 hours ago by a reputable dealer and the supercharger was rebuilt at that time. Previous owner replaced the pump with a new oem assembly. He put a lot of money into the ski.
The ski is in excellent condition and I have been after one for a long time.
So today I took it to the lake and was on the water about 10 minutes idling out of the launch before I could get on the throttle. I slowly opened the throttle and it was sluggish. Even when I went wide open it struggled to about 40 only 5800ish rpm. I immediately thought I had a bad spark plug I’ve had that issue a dozen times with all my previous RXPs . So I turned around and as I was trying to head back to the launch I noticed the power dropping before it finally cut out completely and stalled. Left me stranded in the middle of the lake
. After I got it back on the trailer I assumed the worst guessed it might be a leaking intercooler and hydro locked because it would not turn over at all. Got home and pulled the plugs which were dry as were the cylinders. I cranked it with the plugs out and it rolls over smooth but slow and eventually wound up a little faster. Put the plugs back in and again it won’t roll over like the cylinders are locked up. I pulled the battery and charged it - no change. I put another known good battery - no change. I jumped the solenoid - no change. I measured the resistance in the ground wire and there was almost none. My instincts are telling me the starter is bad but for the life of me I can’t figure out why it would die in the middle of the lake and have reduced power up to that point. Or why it would fire up no problem when I put it in the water.
Sorry for the novel I just want to provide as much info as I can. Any help is appreciated.
The ski is in excellent condition and I have been after one for a long time.
So today I took it to the lake and was on the water about 10 minutes idling out of the launch before I could get on the throttle. I slowly opened the throttle and it was sluggish. Even when I went wide open it struggled to about 40 only 5800ish rpm. I immediately thought I had a bad spark plug I’ve had that issue a dozen times with all my previous RXPs . So I turned around and as I was trying to head back to the launch I noticed the power dropping before it finally cut out completely and stalled. Left me stranded in the middle of the lake

Sorry for the novel I just want to provide as much info as I can. Any help is appreciated.
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