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2009 GTI 130 is trying to kill me - 4800rpm!


Hi Folks,
I'm new to this forum. Thanks for your patience. I'll try to be concise, yet thorough with my symptoms.

My 2009 GTI 130 has been running high RPM since I broke it out of winter storage 2 days ago. It was fine when I put it away for the winter.

When I first began this season, it initially ramped up to 3400. I ran it a bit, and it would still only drop to 3400.
BUT, last night, upon start-up, the rpm jumped to 4800, and I took right off! Little scary. Landing it on my shorelander was....interesting.

I sprayed some Sta-bil fogging oil in the throttle body nipple (8 count). I started it back up and it dropped down to about 2600, but when I revved it...back to 4600-4800.

Should I spray it when running?
Pull of the TB and go through it? (prefer not to tear down TOO far, as it's sitting on shore in its cradle currently)

Thanks for any guidance anyone can provide. I'll let you know what, if anything, works...promise.

Note: I'm in the middle of nowhere and shops are about a month out. ...Homejob it is!
No special beep codes. My logic tells me to pull the throttle body off and clean it for proper operation. Seems like it might be getting stuck open.
The fact that spraying the lube in the nipple remedied the issue momentarily, only to get stuck at 4600 again leads me this way. I watched some videos (although not on MY ski) and the process seems fairly straightforward. Are there any special considerations to think. about removing the throttle body on a 2008-2009 GTI?
Codes as in P0000, there is a computer idle reset procedure if it's replaced or the TPS is loosened, and yes the throttle body needs regular lubrication.