I have a 2006 sportster with the 215 horse motor. This boat does not have any trim at all that I can locate. Anyone know anything about this, and if the aftermarket systems are any good?
I'm very suprised your 2006 model doesn't have some form of VTS (variable trim system). My 1997 model Challenger has a manual lever next to the throttle lever (3 control handles in on the side of boat) that is used to control nozzle postition. I can trim the nozzle up or down when I'm pulling a tube or just trying to get on plane fast.
It really does surprise me that you don't have anything to trim your nose with.
There is a post in this boat section with someone who has the M-2 Challenger which doesn't have a VTS either. He's purchased an aftermarket trim plate. I"ve looked at it and by theory, it seems like a really great unit. But the guy that has this on his boat is having problems with the boat pulling hard to the left......Here is the link if you'd like to check it our for yourself.... http://www.placediverter.com/index.php?page=mercury