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2004 RXP 215 reviews

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hey guys i'm new to the forum.. i'm looking to buy a 2004 rxp 215 with upgraded supercharger. what are some things to look for when I buy this seadoo? this is my first PWC. she has 66 hrs and is in mint condition. me being a marine engineer I would want to check engine compression. what would stock compression read?? thanks in advanced
130psi+ across the board.

Did you ask when and why the sc was rebuilt? Did you take it for a test run first? You wanna be seeing 8K rpm wot.
I haven't even seen the seadoo yet I am at work and not home for another couple weeks. I am just looking for info on what to be looking for to make sure the seadoo is ok and will run good. here is some pics that the dealer sent me. I hope she runs as good as she looks in the pics haha. comes with trailer and cover and full tank of gas and 2 years warrenty.

Ride it. You should see 67 to 70 mph on smooth water. Riding it on the water puts the engine under a load. Also, the compression test should show 130 to 140 psi.
Cheap trailer, so $6,000 to $6,500 Canadian??
Ride it. You should see 67 to 70 mph on smooth water. Riding it on the water puts the engine under a load. Also, the compression test should show 130 to 140 psi.
Cheap trailer, so $6,000 to $6,500 Canadian??

the guy told me that she does 69mph on calm water. also he told me that the trailer is only a show room trailer and the one that comes with her is more heavier. that was the first thing I asked cause the trailer looks weak but he said the one comes with her is a lot stronger.. he told me $6500 CAD out the door with registration and trailer registration. 2 new life jackets and 2 folding paddels. comes with all safety gear including flares.
the guy told me that she does 69mph on calm water. also he told me that the trailer is only a show room trailer and the one that comes with her is more heavier. that was the first thing I asked cause the trailer looks weak but he said the one comes with her is a lot stronger.. he told me $6500 CAD out the door with registration and trailer registration. 2 new life jackets and 2 folding paddels. comes with all safety gear including flares.
Sounds about right. I hear that things in Canada sell for a little bit more than in the states. Good luck.
is there a write up anywhere on how to check compression on seadoo's? I tested many engines before but I don't think I have even lifted a hood on a seadoo lol just wondering how to kill the spark so the gas don't ignite. just pull wire off coil??
Hold the throttle wide open it puts the machine in drown mode it will crank but no spark or fuel.
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