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2002 gtx di

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New Member
i have 02 gtx di and the thing runs great till you get to a higher rpm and then it cuts out once or twice and the maint light comes on.then stop to idle the light goes out same thing again. any suggestions on what the problem is.
sounds like it is trying to go into limp mode, or maybe your dess post is going bad. If it only does it at high RPM I would suspect limp mode.
If it is going into limp mode the computer is detecting something is wrong internally with the ski and shutting it down to prevent more damage. If that is the case I would have to defer to a real mechanic. Your owners guide should talk about limp mode and how critical it is. If it is the DESS post, that is an easy fix. The thing you call a key is a DESS, and it attaches to a post, that kit is only about 40 bucks, or I should say the last one I looked at was 40 bucks.
02 gtx di

do you have any suggestions on what could cause it to start missing about 40 mph and the go to maint. then if you stop the ski and let it idle the maint light goes out until you get the ski to the rpm or speed (which ever comes first) and the the maint light comes on again
help 02 gtx di in distress

got a gtx di that goes to maint mode around 5500 rpm the ski runs great until then but if you stop and let idle the maint light goes out any suggesstions.
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