I pulled the carbs, jb welded the elbow, pressure tested carbs, reinstalled carbs, swapped out batteries because the other one was down to 5V after the cranking, etc.
I started the ski today, it took a bit but of course that's because all the fuel was out of it.
Got it started. It ran.
Shut it down.
Started it again.
Shut it down again using the stop / start button and it shut down then it decided to keep trying to starting itself. So the only thing I could think of was to shut off the gas and remove the red cable from the battery as quickly as I could. The starter just kept kicking over. I may have fried my MPEM by doing so.
When I replaced the battery I cleaned the terminals up with a wire brush because they had a bit of green on them.
I'm guess bad ground? Or the battery I swapped out has something bad? They were both brand new.
How do I go about diagnosing this?
EDIT: I just checked both grounds ( the rear going to the engine, and the front, both are intact, not loose). I also checked the wire going to the starter and it's not loose either.
I replaced the starter solenoid back in March while initially troubleshooting the starting issue.
I'm at my wits end. This ski's new name is Christine.