Weird Problem!
2000 Seadoo GTX
I just bought the seadoo that was sitting for 3 years in a garage.
I replaced the battery with a new one.
I have owned many boats and worked on more 2-cycles than I can count, however this is my first PWC. So please hold my hand with SeaDoo specific items.
When puttin the Key on the Post nothing happens.. no beeps .. no display..
If I unplug the 15amp fuse in the back and plug it back in with the KEY ON THE POST. I get 1 beep(edit. I think.. it was late..) a full display and can crank the motor with the start switch(it doesn't actually start it has a full tank of bad gas, i'll fix that later). Once I remove the key from the post I must repeat the procedure of removing the fuse and putting it back before it will crank again.
If I unplug the 15amp fuse in the back and plug it back in with the KEY OFF THE POST nothing happens at at all.
I have tried pressing start 5 times with the key off and nothing happens.
I have checked all my fuses.
I have Ohm'd the POST and verified the key does close and open contact of the internal switch.
It has spark when cranking.
The back box with the coils and solonoid did look like it had been flooded at some point and the ~6 wire plug had a badly corroded pin(red wire).
I removed and cleaned all the components and connections.
One thing I did notice is that when re-pluging the 15 amp fuse in the back(with the key on or off), it sparks like it has a hefty current going through it, is this normal for Seadoo's ?
Any help would be appreciated.
2000 Seadoo GTX
I just bought the seadoo that was sitting for 3 years in a garage.
I replaced the battery with a new one.
I have owned many boats and worked on more 2-cycles than I can count, however this is my first PWC. So please hold my hand with SeaDoo specific items.
When puttin the Key on the Post nothing happens.. no beeps .. no display..
If I unplug the 15amp fuse in the back and plug it back in with the KEY ON THE POST. I get 1 beep(edit. I think.. it was late..) a full display and can crank the motor with the start switch(it doesn't actually start it has a full tank of bad gas, i'll fix that later). Once I remove the key from the post I must repeat the procedure of removing the fuse and putting it back before it will crank again.
If I unplug the 15amp fuse in the back and plug it back in with the KEY OFF THE POST nothing happens at at all.
I have tried pressing start 5 times with the key off and nothing happens.
I have checked all my fuses.
I have Ohm'd the POST and verified the key does close and open contact of the internal switch.
It has spark when cranking.
The back box with the coils and solonoid did look like it had been flooded at some point and the ~6 wire plug had a badly corroded pin(red wire).
I removed and cleaned all the components and connections.
One thing I did notice is that when re-pluging the 15 amp fuse in the back(with the key on or off), it sparks like it has a hefty current going through it, is this normal for Seadoo's ?
Any help would be appreciated.
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