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2000 LRV 1000cc, carbed. Will not turn over

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New Member
Pease help.
I am a new PWC owner. I bought the boat used, 130 hours, seems clean. When I bought it, we cranked it, but did not start it because it was out of water and no hose. Seemed to crank and engine rotated ok. Yesterday I wanted to start it for the first time.
I read the owners manual for out of water start. Hooked up hose, choked, started, turned on water, engine died. I kept trying to restart, would only hear starter engage, a clunk noise and no engine rotation, as if starter was possibly jammed in flywheel. I charged battery some more, removed plugs. Plugs looked ok, but a slight amont of water.
No matter what I try, engine will not turn, All I here is this metallic clunk noise, so I know starter gear is engaging, but not turning, battery seems ok.
Could something be siezed. How do I know. I obviously can not check compression because it wont crank. I will be bringing to a dealer on Saturday. BTW, the seadoo is at my lake house 200 miles away now. I get the normal 2 beeps when installing key and it is nothing to dor with key in ignition too long.
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You can remove the plugs and try turning the engine by hand with a pair of vice grips on the shaft to verify its not sezied but.. since you had it running then it just stalled.. the first thing i would do is be certain the battery is new or fully charged, if that doesnt work then possibly a bad starter. Often with weak batteries, theres enough power to engage the starter but not enough to crank the engine. The clunking noise sounds like the starter is 'popping out' and engaging but not strong enough to crank it.
did you have the water turned on while it was NOT running for more than a few seconds like after it stalled. I hope not because you may have back filled water into your engine. NEVER have the hose on unless the engine is running and shut the hose off before you shut the engine off, very important. It is OK to start it and run it for a few seconds without being on the hose.

If water is in your engine, you need to get it running right away, it will cause major engine damage in a short amount of time.

You can take the plugs out, put the wires on the grounding posts, and crank the engine over.
The hose was on after the engine died for about 5-10 seconds.
I CAN NOT crank the engine to get any water out, as mentioned in original post. Anything else, maybe? I do appreciate all yor help
Note...battery is fully charged.
If, and I do say If, there is water in the engine, how long before damage? I wont be with the seadoo again until Saturday...6 days.
it should not be a problem if it was only on 5-10 seconds, 5-10 minutes would be a problem.

it's debatable on how long it takes water sitting in an engine to do damage and there are many factors that affect it. A few hours is not a big deal, a week could be a big deal. It actually would be better to have the entire engine completely full of water for a week than to just have water dry out and form rust internally. Had a snowmobile sit in a lake for month and ran great for years later, we went through it right after getting it out of the lake though.

so, the engine won't crank with the plugs out? just the same clunk? you should be able to turn the motor over by hand pretty easily with the plugs out.

check connections and ground, make sure battery is good and fully charged.
What is the best way to manually turn engine?
Should I just snap some vise grips on the shaft and turn?
What direction should I turn? Clockwise or counter?
No, just take the grey pto cover off at the back of the engine and grab it there with your hand, with the spark plugs out, and turn (doesn't really matter which way), should turn fairly easily, look for anything coming out of the spark plug holes and give it a few rotations. we just want to make sure something isn't bound up in the engine or the pump. if it's free, hit the starter button and see if it will turn over quickly with the plugs out.
Thanks for your help ski-d00,
can you offer me a better desription of what I need to remove, or perhaps a diagram? I am totally in the dark when it comes to these engines.
Got it running!

Thanks for all that offered advise. It was the battery. Replaced battery, removed plugs, started and water shot out, followed procedure for engine flood, cleaned up, replaced plugs, runs like a champ!
did water shoot out of the spark plug holes or out the back of the exhaust? If so, how much water shot out of the spark plug holes? how long did it sit in the engine? If it did, I suspect it was there when you bought it and may have been there a long time. Sure, it will run, but you aren't out of the woods yet. They typically take a little while before the engine fails from internal water damage.

I also suspect you may have issues when you put in the water like a leak so watch it very closely and also listen closely. I don't mean to be negative, but I see it all the time. But don't let it worry you, just be aware.
Thanks for the advise. Water came out of spark plug ports. A buddy is repairing it. When he took it out for a spin, he also noticed a leak at exhaust gasket where it meets manifold. I am having that replaced also. Also had all jet pump seals. oil and rear shaft replaced.
seadoo rx not cranking

New to Forum, and internet. have seadoo rx and all problems in this thread i am having, only i took spark plugs out and still have same sound, no water came out. battery is bought brand new, and fully charged, how can i test the starter, and/or the solenoid.
when i need the advice from the users of this one.
Please create a new thread, right now you are hijacking his thread and it is hard for us to help you both when in the same thread.....if you create your own thread then your question will be answered alot sooner then this way.

can it be hijacking its called a forum for all people, i get it enfringement right. besides i was just trying to make diagnostics faster, since he had already been helped, and i had similar issues. but thanks so much for your help experienced rider. i will start a new thread after i trouble shoot a few more things, thanks.
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