New Member
I just bought a millenium edition gtx and it had sat for a couple years. i put fresh gas in it and a new battery and took it out. it throttled up once rigth off the trailer, probably around 5000 RPM and then just ran at around 2500RPM. I continued to ride it and it slowly worked its way up to 3300. it now will run right up to 3300 but if you gas past it, or hold the trottle wide open, it bogs and wont let it climb up. I pulled the rave valves and they were cruddy but looked like they should operate ok. The ski doesnt have any weird beeps or show anything on the screen out of the ordinary. can something be reset or does it need the carbs rebuilt? all suggestions would be appreciated.the ski only has 50 hours on it but has say for a couple years. I had to pull the plugs and flush some water out of the cylindars, it was rusty. i put new plugs in it twice, no help.