Got the siphon tubes installed yesterday which fixed the elbows pissing inside the hull.
Now, I think I have an electrical issue. The ski is running worse than it ever has, and now has a hard time cruising above even 3500 RPM. Yesterday, it was able to sustain ~5000 RPM for a quarter mile before it started bogging down badly. At one point, I opened the throttle completely and it held constantly at about 3500 RPM. Shortly after, the engine died on me. I got it started again without much effort and limped back to the trailer at about 2k RPM, where it runes fine without issue. When I attempted to restart it on the trailer in the water to move the ski to the front of the bunks, the starter was completely dead. The solenoid would consistently click, but the starter made zero sound. This is a first.
The plugs still look great, so I don't think it's starving for fuel and risking a lean condition. In my experience, fueling issues can often be "overcome" with some creative throttle feathering (so long as the fuel supply is sufficient, which I've confirmed mine is). It makes for suboptimal riding, but is doable. This ski acts differently though. No combination of throttle voodoo is of help, and it runs worse the longer it stays out on the water.
I now fear my MPEM is on its way out, likely from the hundreds of gallons of water that have collectively entered the hull thanks to the missing siphon tubes. I was just reading through the 1999 shop manual on how to function test the MPEM with an ohm meter, and it only lists a procedure for the GTS. It says for all other models "It is not possible to accurately check the MPEM condition without specialized tools. Therefore, replace MPEM with a good known unit to conduct testing."
Is this really true? There's no way way test this on a '99 XP???
Now, I think I have an electrical issue. The ski is running worse than it ever has, and now has a hard time cruising above even 3500 RPM. Yesterday, it was able to sustain ~5000 RPM for a quarter mile before it started bogging down badly. At one point, I opened the throttle completely and it held constantly at about 3500 RPM. Shortly after, the engine died on me. I got it started again without much effort and limped back to the trailer at about 2k RPM, where it runes fine without issue. When I attempted to restart it on the trailer in the water to move the ski to the front of the bunks, the starter was completely dead. The solenoid would consistently click, but the starter made zero sound. This is a first.
The plugs still look great, so I don't think it's starving for fuel and risking a lean condition. In my experience, fueling issues can often be "overcome" with some creative throttle feathering (so long as the fuel supply is sufficient, which I've confirmed mine is). It makes for suboptimal riding, but is doable. This ski acts differently though. No combination of throttle voodoo is of help, and it runs worse the longer it stays out on the water.
I now fear my MPEM is on its way out, likely from the hundreds of gallons of water that have collectively entered the hull thanks to the missing siphon tubes. I was just reading through the 1999 shop manual on how to function test the MPEM with an ohm meter, and it only lists a procedure for the GTS. It says for all other models "It is not possible to accurately check the MPEM condition without specialized tools. Therefore, replace MPEM with a good known unit to conduct testing."
Is this really true? There's no way way test this on a '99 XP???