I just found another no charging scenario on a GTI I just bought a couple of days ago. Of course the PO said everything was "fixed" and ready for the water.
I always check this junk because I know there still will be issues.
So I start this one with my meter connected to the battery cables. What do you know, not charging!
Before I even considered stator or rectifier, I looked in the ignition box in the back and the starter relay (solenoid) was not even screwed down, zero bolts. I also noticed a way too small gauge wire from that sol to the starter, I pulled on it and the pulled out of the crimp terminal.
Had a new correct size 6ga wire made up and put all of this back together. The AGM battery looked older so I put another battery in (had it in stock) and now it's charging.
Check everything , ignition box, wiring, connectors, battery etc before just assuming and wasting time and money on parts.