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1999 gtx no spark after new engine, HELP!

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New Member
Ok, im new to the forums and everyone seams very helpful from what i have been reading, so here is my story.

i recently purchased a 1999 gtx limited for 400 bucks, the thing is mint but of course the skirt broke off one of the pistons and blew out the side of the block, so buying it i knew i had to rebuild the engine. So i purchased a good engine from a good source with 10 hours on it,

after it was all done i tried to start it but the battery was crap so i put a new one in. After that it turned over for about 10 sec and the starter went out, so i put a new starter on it. After all this money and a pain in my a$$ the ting has no spark, none at all.

i checked all the fused and i didnt just look at them i actually did a continuity test and they are all good.

the lanyard beeps 2 times when i install it but i have noticed sometimes it doesnt but i can hear the speaker make 2 clicking noises so i think the speaker is just going bad.

the next thing i did is check the white wires going to the coils and i have no voltage while cranking. no at all, now i did this with a volt meter and got nothing. i read and it seams some people are using test lights but i figure a meter would work just fine.

no i have not checked the stator or anything in the case yet. but i do knwo the stator and stuff is good on my old engine.

does anyone have any suggestions before i go spend hundreds of dollars at the seadoo dealer?

do you think the rev limter is grounding the coils? or coudl the stator be bad?

is there a way to test voltage out of the stator without removing it for no reason. i hope someone can help i really want to get out and ride my new toy


also is there a way to test the yellow wire coming out of the stator cover for voltage in or out? woudld save me alot of trouble of pulling the gas tank to get to the cover.

So i pulled the stator cover off and i didnt see anything that looked bad but i guess it most likely wouldnt be anything would be able to see. if anyone knows anything it may be or any testing i would really like to hear from you. after all im out 10 dollars for membership .... j/k. i hope someone can help
I can't believe no one has even tried. If you aren't getting voltage out of the coil then you probably are not getting it into the coil. I would think that would come from the ECM. I'm not sure. Make sure it is plugged in correctly. From what you are saying that just may be your problem.
With no "power" from white wire, to signal the coil to fire, then, in earlier ski's, if stators "pickup", did not break from tab, then the "igniter" was at fault. (the other look'n mpem inside the grey box), but you dont have an isolated one, think its incorporated into the mpem..

In the manual, gives the "specs" to check the yellow wires...

Been read'n other threads, and seems as if, with the 947 electrical system, that, it needs a "perfect" battery, for it to work/spark. Have battery tested, to rule that out of equation..
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battery and stator

mine is a limited so it is a 951. and the battery is brand new from seadoo themselves., im going to change the crank trigger and the stator out with my old one and see how it goes down. ill let you know
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