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1998 XP Limited

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New Member
Out on the lake yesterday, ran into a couple problems.

1.) There was a bass tournament so I had to sit in the water and wait to get out for about 30 mins or more. All of a sudden I noticed I was takin on alot of water in the foot wells and it was kinda sinkin me. So I started it up and took off before I sank. I put it on the trailer asap opened the back hatch up and it was almost full or water. Idk if my bilge quit workin or what. When I got home I checked it out, idk how its supposed to work when its not running but when I put the key on the bilge will run for couples secs and turn off. Its fully auto bilge and has a float. If the float is up shouldnt it run non stop? I poured some water in it to see if it'd pump it and it did, so idk why it filled with water when I was sitting. I did find a small perfectly round hole right in the middle of the bottom. There is like a small depression right before the pick up, and there is a hole right in the middle. Is this supposed to be there? If not its probably why it almost sank.

2.) Every now and then I'll just be going along and it will die in the water. It'll start right back up and just die again. I wiggle the key around and fixes it. This just bad connection and/or worn out key?
1). Was your lanyard on the post while you were sitting there? I think it has to be on the post for the bilge pump to run.

2). Could just be a dirty lanyard post and/or contacts in the lanyard key cap. Clean them both really well. This could also explain why your pump doesn't run all the time and shuts off with water still in the hull.
Also, is that little hole supposed to be there underneath? Water was comin out of it, so I know it was going in.
It sounds like you got your leak source figured out. If you don't want to replace the grate, find the right size bolt to thread in the hole and then wrap teflon tape around the threads about 4 times and insert good and snug. This will stop that leak.
I've never tried it but from what i understand running a xpl hull without a grate isn't good.I've been told it can cause erratic handling.
Interesting to hear. If it were me, I would replace the grate. Too much trash the right size to cause problems without a grate in the river I ride in.
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