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1998 gtx limited ........

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1998 gtx limited .....wont start after cleaning carbs and changing lines...

Ok I changed the gray fuel lines.... cleaned out carbs.... and now it won't start... even with fresh out of the box plugs...... do I have an air leak? did i miss something..... got fuel, spark, and good compression.... the famous three!!!! what next ....... I am at a loss....

Your input would be greatly appreciated.

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Ok I changed the gray fuel lines.... cleaned out carbs.... and now it won't start... even with fresh out of the box plugs...... do I have an air leak? did i miss something..... got fuel, spark, and good compression.... the famous three!!!! what next ....... I am at a loss....

Your input would be greatly appreciated.

first thing make sure you correctly hooked the fuel lines up where they need to go, 2nd make sure you are getting fuel to the carbs ( try a very small spray of starting fluid and see if it then coughs) It would have to be a major air leak for it not to start at all. We really need more info, does it just crank over or does it try to start? what where the problems you had before doing that work to it?
well it spins over great...... but it will not start ...doesn't even act like it wants to.... reason for the work was trash in system... just bought it at an auction... it had been sitting for sometime ...... so I cleaned the carbs rebuilt the top end and took it to the lake where it ran great for about an hour.... then surged and lugged along, back to the dock.... cleaned carbs again and this time the fuels system tank and selector valve. changed lines. and now we are too the present.... I hope this helps
ok removed carbs again..... no fuel in them what so ever..... no evidence of fuel even trying......... checked fuel line routing.... seems correct per dozens of pictures on here..... is there a priming procedure I need to follow?.... pressurize the tank perhaps?...... I am just wondering ..... my background is in aircraft maintenance..... ie A&P..... this is an easy system... I know i am missing something..... just need the advice

again thanks
i guy i work with one time had his fuel lines goofed up after replacing, he claims to confirm that was the issue, he put some gas in a bootle, then hooked a small section of line to the carb inlet, and stuck other end in the bottle, if it starts, you confirm what to look at. sounds trival and almost insulting, but should work. I am from automotive background ase master, and have been whooped by these boats lately myself.
First thanks for the input... I tried the starter fluid. It worked and primed my system. and now it runs ... will have to wait til tomorrow morning to try it on the lake... first on the trailer at the launch site to adjust carbs and then run it close to the dock.. swimming distance ya know... then a wfo run to see if I need anything else.... customparts guy I must thank YOU for the info.... for the rest of you again thanks for the input I truly mean it.....

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