Hi all,
An update. I’ve received the SBT crank and assembled the bottom end.
Putting the top end together… trying to set squish.
The cylinders on this appear to be taller than expected… seemingly causing the squish to be more than expected.
I measure squish as follows

no gaskets)
Min: 1.09mm
Max: 1.28mm
Head gasket thickness: 0.81mm
The math looks simple:
1.7mm < Base gasket + squish + head gasket < 2.3mm
Feels like I need a base gasket of 0.1 or 0.2mm
I don’t see those ..
I have another engine on the bench for comparison..
It requires a 0.5mm base gasket…
So I measured the cylinder heights:
The one requiring 0.5mm gasket has cylinder vertical height of 124.0mm. It’s an SBT remanufactured top end… 0.5mm over. Fits perfect.
This one has vertical cylinder height of 124.5mm…
Trying to wrap my head around the tolerances… seems like the cylinder heights should be much closer unless one was shaved…
Do they make 0.1 or 0.2mm base gaskets?
I’ve read of people splitting the head gaskets… that seems wrong…
Recommendations appreciated.