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1997 GSX tuned up

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New Member
Well I changed the grey fuel lines, and cleaned out the water regulator. Now it won't start, given I was in a huge rush and only tried turning it over for about 1 minute total. does it take awhile to get fuel back into the lines, or what? I'm just hoping I didn't screw something up by trying to help it lol. It was running just fine before....I wanted to get rid of these evil grey fuel lines. I'm pretty sure I didn't screw any of them up becaues I changed them one at a time and its not that complicated.

You'll need to prime your lines, since the fuel pumps don't like to move air.

You'll have to use your choke, and crank away. Do not use the starter for anymore than 20 seconds. Then, let it cool off. But, you should be primed before that happens. If not,.....one more time.

If you still can't get a start, or it's being stubborn, you can remove the air box and take a plastic trash bag, put it over the flame arrestor and turn the engine over.

What you are doing is creating a vacuum with the engines compression stroke, sucking the fuel up through the lines.

Once you get a start, remove the plastic and see if it will run.

Be careful because if you get fuel and it's flooded, you'll have another hard time starting. If your not sure, take out the plugs to see if they are wet.......

Happy 4th of July!........and you did right by getting rid of the grey fuel lines.
yeah I did it with everything still on the engine, besides the intake box, and what not, removed all that....wasn't to bad, the only line I didn't replace was the air relief one going to the side of the hull, didn't really see why to bother.

How long do you think it will take to clean my raves? Wanted to tackle this in the AM
Sorry I'm all jacked up on caffeine at work

alright, then 7min...:rofl: Keep ur hand over black cap, while removing the metal clip. Theres a spring under the red dot, that will gorw wings, if not covered. The pto rave, remove the allen bolta, and lift enuf, to pull gasket off base, then pull -ur up.
Do you clean the insides wheRe the rave sits in the motor?
How? if you clean the cylinders where the raves go then all that crap will be in your motor......give it a very small shot of starting fluid (I do not mean like squirt the hell out of it either...) give it a small shot to get it to cough and it should prime the system.....you do not want to run it on the starting fluid as there will be no lubrication in the motor.....try that and it should prime the system, and yet even though you did the lines one at a time I still have seen them put back in the wrong spots.....yes also make sure the fuel is on......its not a joke as alot of people have forgot to turn it on and cannot figure out why there is no fuel, try switching it to reserve tank as well......
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