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1997 GSX Hi Rev, No Acceleration

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New Member
Hello, we have a 1997 GSX that has been giving us problems for the past 2 years. Last year we didn't get the ski in the water until August because the linkage for the trim system had cracked over the winter.

Regarless, once we repaired the trim system we put it in the water, the ski had no pick up. Initially I thought that the trim repair had something to do with it, but after closer inspection, it was working just fine. For whatever reason, the jet was not moving enough water. The engine sounded fine (strong throughout the entire band), but at high rpm's it was stuggling to keep the ski moving.

Instead of jumping out of the hole when I punched it, it would stand up a bit and struggle to get up on plane. The only way I could get it up on plane would be to slowly increase power (I'm talking 15 to 20 seconds), but it would top out at 27 mph.

So now, I am going to attempt fixing this problem on my own before bringing it to the Sea Doo shop, because it isn't worth it (at this point) to spend a few hundred more dollars if there is something that I can repair myself.

Any ideas of how to start diagnosing the problem? Thanks in advance for any help.

sounds like a bad wear ring and or impeller to me, check those first, see if the impeller has any chips in the edges on it, and any grooves in the wear ring and check for large gaps in between the impeller and wear ring
Thanks for the info. I did some searches on wear rings. It sounds like I have to take the impeller of for that job, which apparently requires a special tool?

Any idea where the best place would be to purchase a wear ring and an impeller removal tool?

Thanks again for your help.
I am going to try and replace the wear ring on my own. I am thinking about buying the Clymer SeaDoo Repair Manual for 1997 to 2001 PWC's.

Is there a better manual that I should look into? Also, I am having a hard time finding a impeller removal tool.

Thanks in advance.
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