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1996 XP carb problems.

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New Member
Afternoon all! Just recently picked up this XP, and have replaced the grey fuel lines, chem dipped / rebuilt the carburetors, cleaned out the fuel tank, and whatnot.
I set the carb high and lo needle valves to the spec noted in the service manual, and on my first run:

Idled great, OK throttle response from idle to 1/2, stumbling / no responce from 1/2 to 3/4, then it takes off like a rocket from 3/4 to full.

I closed the lo valves 1/4 a turn from where I initially had it set, and the upper midrange got worse. I opened the lo valves 1/2 turn from there, and it was back to the origional performance problem.

The hi valves are open 1/8 turn, and have not been adjusted from that setting.

Any ideas on what I need to be looking at? Also, has anyone 'invented' a tool that makes adjusting the lo valves easier? Talk about hard to get a screwdriver on them while bobbing in the water, hanging upside down over the ski, and your seat siking to the bottom of the lake.... :p
set the carbs to spec i have the same water craft and my crabs were rebuilt this last spring i dont have much in the mid range eather. I think thats just the crabs did it have anything before you took it apart.
The carbs were pretty bad before I rebuilt them. All I had was idle. When you hit the throttle, it would die. The fuel lines had deteriorated, and gunked up the carbs. Also, both carbs were adjusted WAY out of balance, looking back I'm suprised the ski even started.

If it will quit raining today, I'll take it out with the Hi valves closed, right now they are about 1/8 turn open. Wouldn't think that would effect the upper midrange, but I've seen stranger things.....
Both valves missing their springs are probably not helping things any :ack:

Off to order some springs!

Also noticed the spring in the cooling system's pressure regulator is broken. Wonder what that was screwing up.......

Are the springs a normal 'high wear' item? I'm suprised the previous owner would of pulled the springs on the RAVE valves, and the one in the regulator was snapped in half.
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Put the RAVE valve springs in today, and took the ski out. Now, I've got all the midrange I need! A LOT more fun on the water now. Next up, learning the finer points of driving it..... LOL
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