well, skis been running strong. Started to notice a rich bog after riding it for a bit, smelt like exhaust fumes, went through the ski to see where it was coming from, well I found out monday. Was on the water pretty much all day, noticed the ski running a bit slower than usual, wanting to stay "popped up" for longer, knew something wasn't ride so i idled it back in to the ramp. Opened the hood to see that it was about almost full with water, noticed the two out of the four bolts on my top part of the pipe going to the exhaust manifold backed out. DOH, forgot to put loctite on them.. well now I need to either find where they ended up or just find some new ones. This most definitely would've caused everything I had noticed, good thing about going through a ski is you know when it isn't acting right. Bless the oem airbox, could've ended a lot worse with the way I ride the HX, I beat on that thing.