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1996 Gti Cranks all the time


New Member
Hey guys
I’m new to the forum recently got a 1996 seadoo gti super fun machine for the last few weeks until today and it wouldn’t crank no click nothing I have power at the battery I jumped the starter solenoid and it cranked instantly but now as soon as I connect the battery cable to the battery it cranks without touching switch and solenoid does not have continuity between its posts but with connector pulled off solenoid it does not crank when battery is connected so I don’t think the solenoid “welded” itself together when I jumped it
Any ideas why it’s cranking all the time?
Wow! I think I’m literally having the same issue with my ‘99 GTX LTD. I installed a brand new solenoid and as soon as it got power the ski started cranking. No DESS key or start button pressed.
tested stop start switch for continuity and is functioning properly
How’d you do this test?

Guy a a local shop that works on 2-strokes told me to put power to the ski then press the start button without the DESS key inserted. He said if you get a red light on the dash then the start button isn’t the issue.
I disconnected the switch and put my multimeter leads on each wire and tested for continuity with the switch released I had no continuity when pressed the reading on the multimeter went to 0 telling me theres continuity
Make sure you have the small red wire on the correct post of the solenoid if it has one. If you get it on the wrong post it will close the solenoid as soon as you connect the battery.
I've had a new solenoid I bought off amazon stick closed after the first use. Had to hit it with a hammer to get it to unstick.
Also had my MPEM fail in a weird way that made the solenoid close immediately and send power to the starter even without the key on the DESS post.