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1996 GSX has no spark

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I bought this last year with a trailer for $400, the owner said it had been fouling plugs, I replaced that battery and got it running. When it ran it ran like it was soppose to, powerful and didn't miss. Then one plug would foul and I'd start riding back home and the other would foul, eventually it stopped sending spark to the plugs. I had it compression tested and it passed. I bought a new rear elecrtical box for it. I installed it today, the motor turned over just fine but still no spark. I checked all my fuses, and opened up the MPEM to look for any obvious problems. I'm not sure if the fouling of the the plugs and the absence of spark coralate, but for right now I would love your help getting spark back to these plugs.
Also, Not sure if this would help ya'll, but when I plug the key in it doesn't beep, I think it beeps after I press start a couple times, then it turns over. When I plug it in, all the gauges light up like they should. If anyone who knows anything could help at all maybe even something you'd think is obvious that I am unaware of, it would be greatly appreciated.
probe the white wire at coil with 12v light tester, while crank'n over motor, if tester lights up, then coil could be defective and/or clip the plug wires 1/4in back from boots' ends. Possible though, the pick-up coil in the mag housing, broke from its tab...

Thank you for your reply, I am not quite sure I fully understand what you are recommending but I will try to figure it out and go test it.
you can get "no spark" with bad connections at the spark plug boots. Remove them, and cut the wires back 1/4in. If still no spark, then use 12v light tesater and, clamp the end to (-) post and probe the white wire that plugs into the coil, while hit'n start button. If the tester lights up, then you know you have power from the system, cgoing to the coil, but no power from coil to end of plug wires.

I cut back wires, still no spark. There was a fuse blown in the electrical box, the one furthest to the right in the picture and closest to the bottom if the looking at the box in person, I dont know if I blew it or it came like that. Also, the fuse that was blown was a 10 and the fuse that was in that same place in my old electrical box was a 7.5, I replaced the 10 with the 7.5 since it could only be safer. I tested with a 12v light tester at each of the points with arrows. I tested in the on position, off position and while cranking the engine. Here are the results:

Yellow Arrow: Showed no light in on and off positions, but lit up while cranking

Blue Arrow: Showed light at all times

Pink Arrow/ White wire on ignition coil: Showed no light an all postions

Red Arrow: Showed no light in all positions, which concerned me, because if I'm not mistatken that means there is no power getting to the coil.

Let me know what you think
on testing...

blue arrow= should be hot all the time, unless you got a on/off switch between that point and battery

yellow arrow= hot when hit'n start button

pink/purple arrow= Should be a concerned, because it should have "current"/light tester light up, when cranking

red arrow= not sure, cause its the grounds connections.

White wire, with NO current, is not telling the coil to fire, when hit'n start button. Check ALL the fuses and terminal ends at grounds and power cables, if all good, then possibly need to check the he pick-up in the mag housing, if all good there (not broken from tab holder), then think the "igniter" is bad...


I am not sure where the mag housing is or the pick up inside it. Also, if the white wire isnt lighting up could that be just a bad wire? and the white wire is the power for the coil, correct? I have checked all fuses and all the grounds that i know of but i"m sure there are more, thanks so much for your help i feel like we are getting closer.
you most likely have a bad pickup coil, they all seem to fail on that 800 motor. it's in the mag cover at the front of the engine behind the oil pump, check other posts, there have been plenty with that same problem.
there's an ohms test for it but it still can be the problem, sometimes the bolts loosen or fall out and they are just hanging there or a little loose.
according to your posts, the problem is in the mag cover, most likely pickup but could also be stator(less common).
place blocks under the motor(2x4s or whatever) to support it and remove the front engine support bolt and the mag cover bolts and take a look inside, my guess is you'll find the problem very quickly, built up metal shavings on the pickup can also cause no spark, blown fuse condition.
Finally Got cover off

I got the mag cover off, after griding down a socket to get to the last bolt. It was heck to get that off. As soon as I broke the seal, water came running out of cover. I pulled cover off and everything is rusty and redbrown. A little plastic think was hanging by the wires, I'm not sure where it used to be hooked up but it had broken off. The wheel still spins and the teeth seem to be in good enough condition, but the magneto looks like its been under water for a year. What all needs replaced and where can I find these parts for cheap thanks a lot.
I got the mag cover off, after griding down a socket to get to the last bolt. It was heck to get that off. As soon as I broke the seal, water came running out of cover. I pulled cover off and everything is rusty and redbrown. A little plastic think was hanging by the wires, I'm not sure where it used to be hooked up but it had broken off. The wheel still spins and the teeth seem to be in good enough condition, but the magneto looks like its been under water for a year. What all needs replaced and where can I find these parts for cheap thanks a lot.

If it were mine It would be time for a complete tear down and rebuild. Water in moter not so good.
thats the pickup coil, ski-doo was referring to. Might get away with a clean in there, and new bracket. Make sure the wires/connections look good.Its worth trial/error, than throw'n the dough at it, if not needed.
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