Looking for some Help. I have a 1995 XP with approx. 80-90 hours. It has the 718 rotax motor, no mods. It was running fine one day then all of a sudden it lost all acceleration. Took it home and it sat for a few months before I got around to taking a look at it. I hooked it up to the hose and ran it for a fem minutes. Started right up and rev'ed just fine. Brought it to the water and began riding it. Ran great for about 3-5 minutes then lost it's acceleration. It feels like it is starving for fuel, but I don't know. While holding the throttle wide open it will surge. Every few seconds it will rev up to norm but immediately go back. Runs fine at idle. I changed the plugs and took it out the next day. Ran fine for the first few minutes then went back to how it was.
Any help would be great, Thanks!
Any help would be great, Thanks!