1990 Seadoo SP5803 ran with no oil :( ooops!

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hello all.. please no rude comments, I'm mechanically dysfunctional, have never owned any two stroke engine recreational vehicles!...I ran my 1990 Sea Doo Jet ski, (which I purchased a pair of w/trailer for $1800), they were marine mechanic owned, however, I ran them about two weeks..and subsequently ran one out of oil. It is oil injected so..separate oil tank, but no warning lights, etc..(in the 90's they expected you to check your own $hit) ...anyway, It still turns over, etc...I guess my question is #1, is there an oil safety shut off switch on these old jet ski's for idiots like me and #2, should I be ok after I dump some oil in it and get it back on the water (FYI, it had oil in it about two weeks ago and I"ve only used it about 3 times, if that helps)...would love some positive feedback!..thanks!
Welcome to the forum! Tons of great info here. Sorry to hear about the oil problem.
Did the motor cut out due to the oil or did you notice it was out of oil before it stopped?

Do a search, there should be some info here about what is recommended.
Or one the experts should chime in soon.
Well..I was out riding it and it shut off...I was able to make it into the dock restarting it about two times...and that was it....I've been told there is no oil pressure safety shut off on these old ski's...soo. I guess I"ll know tomorrow how well it held up after I changed the plugs and put some much needed oil in it!..(synthetic two stroke)...I'm keeping my fingers crossed..they say these old sea doo's will run forever...I'm puttin it to the test!
You can use mineral or synthetic oil, full synthetic is over kill. Be sure to use API-TC rated oil, just because is says PWC oil doesn't mean you can use it in a SeaDoo. You should change the oil filter, change the small injector lines and bleed the system.

To see what sort of damage may have taken place, first test the compression. The fact that it shut down twice makes me think it may have seized.
To see what sort of damage may have taken place, first test the compression. The fact that it shut down twice makes me think it may have seized.

It's the Quicksilver TCW-3 rated..says it's good for all personal water craft...It still starts up and runs...so I"m hoping it didn't seize....but thanks for all your help guys!...
TCW-3 is the wrong oil, use Quicksilver PWC, API-TC rated, in the silver jug. That's what I was saying just because is says PWC doesn't mean it's good for SeaDoo's.



Mercury Quicksilver Synthetic Blend 2-Cycle Outboard Oil from wal mart is the oil I just put in my jet ski's...(1990 ski doo sp5803 500cc)...am I going to have issues?....it's not the quicksilver PWC....but I already put it in!
It won't kill the engine, but it will shorten the engine life, it's the wrong oil.

It won't kill the engine, but it will shorten the engine life, it's the wrong oil.


Well..thanks for all your advice and help...I chose the road less traveled by and used the synthetic quicksilver...I didn't bother bleeding the lines or changing the filter and by the grace of god...the jet ski ran better than ever!.....I'm not naive..I"m aware I may suffer consequences for using oil not recommended by Sea Doo and Lou, however ..I'm thinking..these things are 20 years old...do they really care?..(kidding)!.....either way..they ran great..and if I can get two summers out of 'em.I got my money's worth!...one thing's for sure...Sea Doo's are built to last!...until next time!...oh btw.anybody know where i can get some covers for these things?. (even if they won't run..they'll look good :).do they even sell covers for 20 year old jet skis anymore?..thanks again!
Call Poppy covers and talk to Tammy and tell her you are a member of SDF and you'll receive a discount of some type. These are the best covers around....see my profile pic by clicking on my name....cover of a 96 GTX ...in green/gray.
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