04 GTX won't start

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New Member
I know someone answered this questions for someone else but I cannot find it. When I try to start it it clicks and sounds like it is trying to start but won't, sounds labored. I removed the starter and the magnets were messed up. I had it rebuilt and installed it, I tried to start it and the same thing, just a click. I removed the spark plugs and the motor turned over and sprayed oil everywhere. I installed the plugs and it won't turn, remove one and it turns, remove the other and it turns. I am so confused!?!?! Any help would be greatly appreciated
Check the ground- connection from the battery to the engine by the starter. Be sure the battery has a full charge and is in good condition. If in doubt have it load tested for free at Auto Zone. It could have a full charge but with a bad cell it won't have the amps. to start the seadoo.

Thank You

Karl I will give that a try and let you know, I think the ground is good but I will check the battery and get back to you.
No Luck

Sanded the groung, sanded the ground connection to the starter, replaced battery with one that has been working in my other Sea Doo and it still clicks, tries to turn over and that's it. What a mess I have (literally)
If it still clunks, on the rear of the engine is a black boot with 2 clamps on it. Loosen up the clamps and push the boot back. Remove the spark plugs and see if the shaft under the boot turns counter clockwise. Use a pipe wrench if you need to being carefully not to hurt your hands or damage the seadoo. If it won't turn over it might be seized. If it turns over remove the starter, as it must be bad.

Let me know how you make out.

One more try

Karl; The starter is new, with the plugs out the engine turns over and if it wasn't for the oil flying everywhere it seems it would keep turning over with the starter. Is there another way to test the groundm I can't see the actual connection on the motor but I thought I sanded it pretty good. I will try and remove the starter again and replace it with the starter from the other Sea-Doo and see if that works.
So many times I have see a bad connection being the culprit of not turning over with plugs in it. Check both wires from the battery. We'll get it running.



I am going crazy here, I have removed the starter from the ski that will not start and installed it along with the ground wire to my other ski and that ski starts right up. I have cleaned and sanded and cleaned the connection at the starter and verified a good connection at the battery and the thing still will not start. Could there be a problem in the electrical box or somewhere else, I am at a loss here and I know it is probably something that I am missing that is simple.

94 gtx won't start

OK, so an update, so it will turn over, and actually turn three or four times with the spark plugs in but it stops after the same amount of turns. Now I am even more confused.
I am newbie to this post, hopefully I can make some good suggestions.

I'm not sure what Karl might think to this idea, but it sounds to me like the engine is getting pressure locked. Meaning that when the spark plugs are out there is a location for that air being compressed to escape. But when the plugs are in there isn't. Which leads me to think that maybe the exhaust on the engine is plugged, or maybe something else is plugged.

I know that this is the more complex diagnosis, but if the ground has been checked and you know the starter works in another ski, these are the kind of solutions you might have to consider.

What do you think Karl.
94 Gtx

Funny, I was looking that direction, maybe it's right, maybe not, but I am on my last straw. I will give it a shot and see
One other suggestion is that maybe you have a problem with the oil injector. In that its injecting to much oil into the engine and is creating a hydrolic lock.
If it is the oil pump what you could do is disconnect the oil pump and also disconnect the spark plug wires so that the engine won't start. But you can still test to see if the starter will turn the engine. Make sure that when you disconnect the spark plug wires and crank the engine that the wires are connected to the grounding bracket mounted on the engine or the junction box.
making headway, maybe

OK, so I removed the muffler, and opened the air intake and it turns over about twice to three times as long, but I think I killed the battery so I am letting it charge. I will keep you updated
If this doesn't work, try the oil pump suggestion I made above. I feel like that could be more along the lines of being the problem.
94 spx help

how do you disconnect the oil pump. The engine is turning over more but then it stops and then it won't turn over again until it sits for about 5-10 minutes. Any ideas.
Find the line with the filter in it, that line goes to the pump. You can pinch it with vise grips, but cut up old glove and use them, so pliers dont punch holes in line...:cheers:
94 gtx

Thanks for the tip, I will try that right now, after reading the thread do you have any other ideas that might help? I appreciate any ideas
94 Gtx

OK, so I crimped the oil line and it continued to turn over until I let go of the start. There was a little smoke, but when I tried to turn it over again it would not, I assume that when I try in about 10 minutes it will work and then do the same thing. With crimping the line what have I found?
hey....i you continue to crank over, shoot some wd-40 in holes, keep the walls lubed.
What you'll find..? Just read'n the post, and you said that it shoots oil everywhere, and someone mentioned about disconnecting the pump.
Ok,..you remove one plug atta time, and she will turn over,right?, but with both plugs in, cant get starter to turn. Hook cables from car/truck to ur battery in ski/boat, and try again, with car OFF....:cheers:
94 gtx

OK, so I took the clamp off the oil line, I put the spark plugs back on and now when I try and turn it over , it turns over fine and doesn't stop but won't start, then after that it will not turn over for a couple of minutes. Also seems like the starter may be sticking every once in awhile.
It sounds to me like you definitely have an oil pump problem. The reason why it won't start is because the oil pump is pumping too much oil. Once you replace the oil pump You may have to adjust the carb. a little bit. Let me know how you make out.
94 gtx

I will try that and see what happens, it makes sense the spark plugs are covered in oil, I don't know how they would get a spark.
Getting closer

So to recap, the engine was not turning over, we got that fixed, then it would not turn over for long, I clamped to oil line, tried to start and it turned right over. At this point could not get it started, finally poured gas in the carburator and the thing started up and sounded great, until the gas ran out in the carburator of course. I can only assume at this point that it is the fuel pump, unless I am wrong. To remove the fuel pump do you have to remove the gas and oil tank completely, or can you bend the plastic on the tank enough to get it out. Is there anyway to fix the pump? No one has one anywhere.

Thanks for your help.

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