I just installed a new motor in my 03 xp 951 di and while doing so broke one of the ends off of the rave solenoid. ( plastic ) I thought just get another one and install. I am a bit confused the part # ends in 044 which is green in color but you google that part # and it is a completely different looking part. I have been looking around and the 005 # looks the same but the part is black in color and seems to not be correct for this year machine. (951 carb not di). I am being told to find a green one for the machine but the dealer cant figure out what the solenoid will look like if I order it and being an electrical part I own it if I buy it no matter what. My question is will the same looking black solenoid (ending in 005) work with the di or does any one have a green one I can buy. wolfie