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01 seadoo gtx di speedometer not working


So my speedometer won’t work. I know they aren’t that accurate but it bothers me that it doesn’t work. I have checked all the plugs and wires. I bought a new speed sensor and checked the voltage and it is in spec with the owners manual then plugged it back in. Then I pulled the panel off from under the hood to reveal five different plugs and i checked the two that go to the speedometer. I checked the voltage to the analog Speedometer and i am getting 12 volts. I checked the voltage from the speed sensor from the same plug and it is still within spec. Everything on the digital info screen works besides the speed including the temperature which I know is read from the speed sensor. Before I installed that new speed sensor the speedometer would work very rarely. It would go to forty for a few seconds then go right back to zero. Now it doesn’t work at all with the new sensor. I have attached pictures of the plugs under the hood I am talking about and the speed sensor I have purchased.IMG_4225.jpegIMG_4220.png
The parts catalog for a 2001 GTX DI calls out a 278000849 speed sensor. Call a Seadoo dealer and find out if the 278000276 is cross referenced to a 278000849. If not that might be the problem.
So according to the people from that website. It should cross reference.
They are trying to sell you something, don't trust them. Lately it seems that all part sites are just throwing things up because they look the same ,but may not function the same. I'm having this issue with sensors on my car. Got to stick to OEM or actual stock number. I would verify it is right, or just order the right stock number.