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  1. S

    97 Seadoo XP Carb Adjustments & Tune

    Alright will check the accelerator pump and test in the water and adjust lows and try. I'm waiting for a some what warm weekend day to test it on the water. It's kinda getting cold fast already.
  2. S

    97 Seadoo XP Carb Adjustments & Tune

    So take the flame arrestor off and then just press the throttle fully down with the ski not running and I should see a stream of gas go into the carb ?
  3. S

    97 Seadoo XP Carb Adjustments & Tune

    How can I check the accelerator pump while the carbs are on the ski? If the accelerator pump wasn't working right wouldn't that cause a hesitation throughout the throttle ? The problem is only at right after idle on the throttle, like giving it a tiny bit of throttle and that's when it does it...
  4. S

    97 Seadoo XP Carb Adjustments & Tune

    I will check the transfer ports but the carbs are on the ski and its getting cold so I'm trying to avoid taking the carbs off so that if I need to I can winterize it so it doesn't get ruined during winter. Plus I don't want it to sit long with out the carbs out if you know what I mean. Is there...
  5. S

    97 Seadoo XP Carb Adjustments & Tune

    I cleaned carbs and changed gaskets and orings, we couldn't get the jets out and didn't want to strip the flat part out so we left them in but sprayed cleaner through and use a small wire brush and made sure they were cleaned. The low speeds are turned out 1 1/4 turns out spec says 1 but...
  6. S

    97 Seadoo XP Carb Adjustments & Tune

    The ski does not have a tach stock. I bought a inductive tach and adjusted the idle to around 3k out of the water it stays right around 3k idling out of the water. I haven't check the idle rpms when is in the water because I didn't have the tach to check it when I brought it to the water. Would...
  7. S

    97 Seadoo XP Carb Adjustments & Tune

    How do you check the accelerator pump? Also when the pop off pressure was too low and it was running rich it did not have this issue but after the first time on the water it wouldn't start in the water but now after I put original springs back in and pop off pressure is right now this issue...
  8. S

    97 Seadoo XP Carb Adjustments & Tune

    How can I check the accelerator pump ?
  9. S

    97 Seadoo XP Carb Adjustments & Tune

    Can anyone help me with this?
  10. S

    97 Seadoo XP Carb Adjustments & Tune

    I have a 97 Seadoo XP . Engine brand new rebuilt. Rebuilt the carbs and had a problem with popoff pressure had to order original springs and fix that problem which I did. Now when I start the ski on the water right after Idle on the throttle the ski bogges out and wants to die and shut off but...
  11. S

    97 Seadoo XP torubleshooting

    Thanks JJinSC for all your help. I'm still working on my ski trying to figuring it out. I have changed the springs to the stock springs by the part number in the manual and by the oem catalog part number from Seadoo parts online and they both matched so I ordered them springs because that's what...
  12. S

    97 Seadoo XP torubleshooting

    With the low at 1.5 or 1 like the book says?
  13. S

    97 Seadoo XP torubleshooting

    Thanks JJinSC. I ordered the springs from Seadoo for my ski from the parts catalog. So these should be the correct springs right? Once I put the new springs from Seadoo in you saying I should run with the settings of the low 1.5 turns out? Will these make it run more rich? I have oil mixed with...
  14. S

    97 Seadoo XP torubleshooting

    Okay will do this again. When I redid the Carbs I set all the adjustments. I set the Low to 1 turn out like the book says and the highs are 0. When I rebuilt the carbs though I got the kit and the springs looked dirty and rusted and I believe I changed the springs out for the ones in the kit...
  15. S

    97 Seadoo XP torubleshooting

    It cranks over fine. The day before it ran in the water but the rpms were to low because it kept dying when letting off the throttle. So i turned up the rpms and took it out the next day and it started on the trailer backed up to the water and stalled out so I turned up the idle again at the...
  16. S

    New Member

    Hi welcome. I am also new to the forum. How do you like the RX-DI?
  17. S


    Hi, Welcome. I am also new to this forum too
  18. S

    Wanting to say hello to all.

    Hi, How are you?
  19. S

    Just saying hello

    Hi everyone, I just signed up to the forum just saying hi.
  20. S

    97 Seadoo XP torubleshooting

    I was wondering if the pop off pressure is low could it make the ski start fine on the trailer but then when you put it in the water (with load) it wont start ? I have tested compression and have 150 in both cylinders.