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Search results

  1. Seadoobuddy

    97 GTI Rub Rails

    Try David Stansel at jetskisuperstore near tampa, he is also on FACEBOOK
  2. Seadoobuddy

    Welcome GoSynthetic4U.rocks and Tim Tuohey as a supporting vendor!

    Let me know when you request the free catalog so i can be on the look for it. thank you
  3. Seadoobuddy

    2 Stroke Oil for 1996 SeaDoo GTS

    If you don't know for sure the oil used then I would drain them and put in BRP or Amsoil Interceptor. I'm a sponsor of this forum and also an Amsoil Direct dealer. Visit www.Gosynthetic4U.Rocks and click on the link for your free Preferred Customer catalog . Save 25-35% from normal retail prices.
  4. Seadoobuddy

    96 GTX No power at all

    I had same issue on my 96 GTX...threw me for a loop for a few weeks. replaced beeper, key connector ...still nothing. I started from scratch and checked every connection. We found a loose one in the eBox. the female end was bigger than it should be so it wasn't connecting all the time. I...
  5. Seadoobuddy

    Happy Birthday to the following members......

    46 Bhorn2 New Member · 46 Messages 1 Reaction score 0 Points 1 B 64 brendanhayes New Member · 64 Messages 0 Reaction score 0 Points 0 C 28 CarlMax New Member · 28 Messages 4 Reaction score 1 Points 3 C 34 Chad12 New Member · 34 Messages 0 Reaction score 0 Points 0 D 29 Daniel...
  6. Seadoobuddy

    An old salt. New to jetboats

    Welcome to the forum.
  7. Seadoobuddy

    Merry Christmas Giveaway!

    Following too.....
  8. Seadoobuddy

    What are our names in real life?

    Seadoobuddy - Tim T. Dr Honda - Tony Ronsse610 - Julien Loudoo - Lou Camelpak- John Sgoyal - Sumit Kicker - Martin El Toro - Tim BIGTEX2010 - Jeremy Mr. Howard - Howard Pale Rider - Andy Spimothy Leary - Tim 1800chall_tim - Tim RacerXXX - Dan 1995hx-Dennis S. skewba98z28 - Matt rodinescondido -...
  9. Seadoobuddy

    What are our names in real life?

    It's been 6 yrs since last name was added ....lets keep this going. Seadoobuddy - Tim T. Dr Honda - Tony Ronsse610 - Julien Loudoo - Lou Camelpak- John Sgoyal - Sumit Kicker - Martin El Toro - Tim BIGTEX2010 - Jeremy Mr. Howard - Howard Pale Rider - Andy Spimothy Leary - Tim 1800chall_tim - Tim...
  10. Seadoobuddy

    Low Compression New SBT Engine

    Was the " faulty test from Harbor Freight.....they seem to always read about 90psi
  11. Seadoobuddy

    Changing Crankcase Oil - 947/951 engine

    Thank you, For whatever reason I got an email about this thread. So far thru end of 2018 the ski runs great. Even though I retired last nov 2018 I didn't even put it in the water this yr :( ......Too busy selling Amsoil.....but I did ride my GSXL in FL. several times.
  12. Seadoobuddy

    4-Tec Jet Pump Grease Change (Nose cone oil)

    OK, I read it again....It's grease not 75W90 lube...
  13. Seadoobuddy

    4-Tec Jet Pump Grease Change (Nose cone oil)

    If we don't use the XPS brand what weigh should some one use on their 4 stroke cones. On my 2 strokes it's 75W90 is it the same with the 4 tecs?
  14. Seadoobuddy

    What about your Bro LouDoo? Don't forget to update us. LOL

    What about your Bro LouDoo? Don't forget to update us. LOL
  15. Seadoobuddy

    Help! I put USED 4 stroke oil into my 2 stroke oil reserve,

    A lot of new oils can be mixed but 2 stroke vs 4 stroke I wouldn't risk it, even with a small amount. I always found it tough to suck all the oil of my GSX or GTX tanks so i would pull the hose off the bottom nipple and drain it that way.....tilt the trailer if needed to get it all out. Then...
  16. Seadoobuddy

    It's been a couple yrs since I been here. Is bigjake and Loudoo still around

    It's been a couple yrs since I been here. Is bigjake and Loudoo still around
  17. Seadoobuddy

    2003 Utopia or 2008 Challenger

    Well, i'm back ......LOL....tony... Dr. honda know this boat like back of his hand.....Trust him with his advice.
  18. Seadoobuddy

    Scooper's Jokes!!! Enjoy! Add your own!

    sheriff Matt Dillion: "Whoa Chester! you can't be running around like that without your clothes...how do you explain yourself?" Chester: "Well you know... me and Miss Kitty were riding out by the Thomas ranch and we stopped at that little lake to water our horses...then Miss Kitty said "it...
  19. Seadoobuddy

    Small Metal pellets in the hull, 96 Sportster

    Can't remember the name but maybe the ball bearings from a piston assembly.
  20. Seadoobuddy

    Gas Usage Per hour

    Hi and welcome to the forum. I myself will never use seafoam in a 2 stroke motor....4 stroke no problem...it's a detergent and will break down the oil that you need to lubricate the pistons. Some guys will say they run it in their 2 smoker motor 2-5 times a season with no problem but I won't...